Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ever Forward - But Slowly

I admit that sometimes I don't feel like I'm moving forward very quickly - especially when I have a day when I wonder who ever thought I was qualified for this parenting job.

Sometimes I don't quite feel capable as the mom because I feel like I'm still a little girl learning along with my kids.

Today I was this kind of mother, I'm afraid. No bueno!

My tots think I should be acting like this (I strive - really  I do!):
This one made me laugh out loud - just because... ...  We were working together sorting oodles of clothes today and I lost my cool due to kids who didn't obey as I thought they should.  I really was trying to make the work fun until I blew a gasket.

I love this one because it reminds me that anything is possible if we rely on our Savior. “Whom the Lord Calls, the Lord Qualifies” (Thomas S. Monson) I hope that is true in my case.

I'm still learning - ever learning - how to do this parenting thing and how to rely on the Lord for strength and wisdom with the Spirit to guide my actions and my words.

So I'll keep a goin' - striving to mother the tots as I ought - at least the best way I know how.
"Webster defines occupation as "the principal business of one's life."  The principal business of a mother's life is loving and nurturing her children; it is teaching them, by example, how to pass on that love and thereby strengthening the world around them." (Jane Clayson Johnson in "I am a mother.")
Pics by Mary Engelbreit


Alison said...

I love those Heather! Especially the dysfunctional one. That's how I've been this week! I'm stressed out about teaching Relief Society on Sunday and it's spilling over into my mothering and I've got a short fuse. I need to be more fun for my poor kids. Love the Jayne Clayson quote! And looks like you had so much fun at Sundance. You're so cute! And what a cute family you are having fun together hiking. It's gorgeous there! Thanks for letting me take a peek since I've never been there. Fun thing about blogging eh? You can experience the world even if you can't go there in person. Loves to you and your cute kiddos!

Marne said...

Great post Heather. You are such a good mom, and a good friend. Thanks for being so uplifting!

Amy D. said...

This is the cutest post ever. I love Mary Englebreit! A young mom in our ward told us that she is the oldest of 9 kids and thought that she was pretty well prepared for motherhood. Then she had a baby and pointed out that as a teenager she always had plenty of sleep, time to socialize and activities to go to when she wasn't helping her mom at home. Now that is not the case (as all mamas know!). Such is the surprise of being a mother. We all keep trying and keep going. Love you, your kids and your efforts (and your blog!)

Heather H said...

Thanks for that post!

Lexie said...

I love all these thoughts and pics! Thanks Heather.