Friday, September 19, 2008


Our Florida friends Jared and Laura made this video for a ward talent show. If nothing else, watch the first 2 minutes. I love the music in it.

If only we could do all the cleaning in fast motion and have the resting moments in slow motion. If only...

The first song was called "The Show" by an artist name "Lenka"


Amy D. said...

Well, that was completely entertaining. How true it is! They are way cute, too.

Anonymous said...

lots of fun! What a great idea..... That really documents life!

keller said...

I loved that! I makes me want to document all the mess. I always try to make sure things are halfway clean before shooting the pictures I don't want people to know how my house really is:). Now I want to document the mess to show what I do all day long. That was so my life!