Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who is the BRAVE one?

Well - Hannah actually made it on the bus today. We waited forever and finally started driving to school but then we saw the bus driving to our bus stop. "Quick - turn around mom - I want to ride the bus."

She just hopped right on and waved good-bye. I did pick her up from school but once she got home, she just kept saying "I just love school so much. I don't ever want to leave kindergarten."

Then later when I mentioned that tomorrow I wasn't going to follow the bus to school to make sure she made it alright and knew where to go, she said, "You sure are brave to let me ride the bus every day, Mom."

Ok - so who has to try to be the brave one here - I guess it's me because Hannah seems to have the entire courage thing down.

So the quote for the day is this:
"If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone.” John Maxwell

I guess that would be me - it's out of my comfort zone to let my kids head out on their own. I'm going to have to get over this... I'm a thinkin'. "Courage Brethren and on, onto the victory."


Amy D. said...

Wow, that's a great thought (and a brave little chick :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I am with you it's out of my comfort zone too. We live a block from the school & I still won't let Brynlee walk or ride her bike by herself to school. She thinks it's crazy that I won't let her but oh well that's just how I am... Glad she likes School!

Lexie said...

Heather.......I don't know if it is something you can get over! It is truly hard to let your innocent children venture out on their own. I was just chuckling because all of this sounds just like me. :)

Marne said...

Yay for Hannah for being so brave! It makes it so much more difficult when they are reluctant.

Marne said...

Yay for Hannah for being so brave! It makes it so much more difficult when they are reluctant.

Kristin Sokol said...

I just love your little family. I wish I could just keep you all in a box. Your whole house. Then I could just look in and watch you and it would be so cute.

Does that sound creepy. Sorry.

What I meant to say is...You are darling, the whole lot of you.

Kristin Sokol said...

I just love your little family. I wish I could just keep you all in a box. Your whole house. Then I could just look in and watch you and it would be so cute.

Does that sound creepy. Sorry.

What I meant to say is...You are darling, the whole lot of you.

keller said...

I know how you feel. Kendra loves school and I am trying to be brave. I just want to keep them home forever. Home school never looked so good.

Cute blog Heather!

Jan said...

Ahhh, how nice to have a child in school. Ethan goes to preschool twice a week and I love it. I can't wait til my kids are in school. I love them, but I need a break

Alison said...

Oh! I know how you feel. It's so hard to let them go. It seems sometimes like they don't need us as much as we need them, those independent little souls. But it is a good way for it to be. They are so courageous making their way out in the world for the first time! So much excitement! But so hard to see them grow up. She looks darling on her first day!

Julie said...

I feel this way every single year. This year I missed the first day of school and I thought about it most of the day. It is always harder on my then it is on them. Why is that?