Monday, August 25, 2008

snores, songs, and smoke

Tonight after FHE Abe very sincerely asked "When are we having the snores?" Maybe you had to be there but it was so funny that he forgot they are called S'mores. This kid cracks me up.

The past few days Abe has been singing alot. Uncle Paul and Aunt Julie were over yesterday and wondered what this song was. Can you guess it?

Well - if you couldn't tell... This is the tune he was going for.

That is seriously a hard song to sing. I still don't know the lyrics but I'm proud of Abe for making an effort. Plus, he just has so much fun trying because he loves the movie Cars. The kid has so much pizazz for life, I'll tell ya.

This has nothing to do with anything, but here's the sunset tonight from our yard. We've got a little scaffolding from the workers doing stucko on a house nearby. And the sun was super electric. There was a huge fire on the mountain in Draper today and I couldn't believe all the smoke produced by that thing. I think they mostly got it out, but I'm sure the smoke assisted in the brilliant colors in the evening sky.
I'm emotionally spent and headin' to bed. Or maybe the leftovers of frozen pizza and s'mores on the counter are asking to be cleaned up. ay-ay-ay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weston and Aidan loved listening to Abe sing! Then of course they watched the YouTube video which meant watching a bunch more... Thanks for sharing. I love kids! PS, ask him what "Lightning McQueen with a ma sa da la" means... Maybe he can interpret Aidan.