Saturday, August 09, 2008

Beijing 2008

Just wanted to note the Olympics going on this month. I love to watch the sports and I love hearing about the inspiring lives of the athletes.

With all the media coverage, it would be fun to watch all day so I can see my favorite events ... but alas, that won't be happening 'round here. There are so many fun sports in the summer Olympics. Hopefully I can catch the highlights especially of the favored athletes.

Last night we started out watching the Opening Ceremonies but after 30 minutes or so our family fell apart (mostly me blowing a gasket from tiredness!!).

I was so amazed at the production. With 15,000 performers, I can't even imagine coordinating all the dances, people, and costumes. What an amazing culture the Chinese have. These are just a few of my favorite photos that seemed to capture how grand the choreography was. I found these photos here.

Go team U.S.A.!!!


Heather H said...

How funny I am checking blogs while watching the DVRed opening ceremony since I am home from church with a sick baby and then your blog was about them, how coincidental. :)

Amy D. said...

Hey Heath, that video is no longer there another source for it?

YEA! for the Olympics. There is just nothing like the Olympic spirit in the world today--'tis unique.

Steph and Eric said...

i'm watching the olympics right now with my boys. they all want to be swimmers. in a few minutes they'll want to be gymnasts. i just want to be skinny. we all have our dreams :)