Friday, August 15, 2008

allergic to mosquitos?

Can someone really be allergic to mosquito bites? Hannah got 2 bites on her face on Tuesday and I keep putting hydrocortizone cream on them. I've also given her benadryl at night hoping that would help the reaction and itchiness. I think she has actually done well at NOT itching them. But especially that one on her cheek is all pussy and is still so red.I finally put bandaids on to see if that might help in case she was scratching at them. Yeah - I think she's saving that chocolate for later. I love Hannah with all her silliness.
It seems like my bites swell up and take forever to go away but I'm not sure if this is an allergic reaction or just normal. What say ye?? Any ideas?


shauna said...

My mosquito bites are extra large and take forever to go away too. I think the mosquitos must be morphing into something more horrific than they used to be. yikes!

Lexie said...

when Clint gets a bite he swells way more than the other kids.....I wonder if some people are just more prone to that??? Those rotten mosquitos anyway!

Amy D. said...

I agree that mosquito bites are just terrible anyway. Reactions vary in our family depending on where we live and the mosquitos, I think. We don't like any of them...and as long as everyone keeps breathing ok, we figure they will get over the mosquito bite reaction eventually.