Tuesday, August 19, 2008

$2 Tuesday - Animal Farm

On Tuesdays in August, Thanksgiving Point has $2 admission for the gardens, museum, and animal farm. Today we went with Grandma to the animal farm.

We have never been to a petting zoo kind of place so it was all new for the kids. They carefully threw the dried corn to the goats, sheep, ducks, baby cow, and the biting donkey. I thought it was fun to see the baby goats because my dad used to have a pet goat when he was little.

The highlight of the adventure was riding the ponies. Hannah nearly freaked out and wouldn't get on, but we convinced her it was safe and a good idea to try new things. She rode 2 times and now she is convinced that she would love to have a horse. It was her favorite thing there. She chose the horse with blond hair.

Abe was slightly hesitant to ride the pony but got right on. He did great and seemed to really enjoy it. He said 'everything' was his favorite part, but especially seeing the cows.

I remembered we had these neat photos of Grandpa Price and Jimmy riding ponies when they were little.

Happy flowers in the garden area! I love happy flowers.

We all thought this llama was such a hoot. The hair was hilarious and it sure was enjoying chewing on something.

The kids had a great time today! What a fun memory for them to remember riding ponies and going with Grandma to see all the animals.


Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

Heather- Catherine lent me her password so I could check out your blog-way cute! Ours is stineandlad.blogspot.com and my e-mail for an invite(please) isladco411@netzero.net thanks- Christine

Amy D. said...

Ah, to ride a pony. And that page you made is soooo coooool!Hurray for sunflowers and funny llamas, too.

Marne said...

Oh how FUN!!! I don't think my kids would do that....actually I KNOW they would never do that. What a neat memory with the past too.

Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

The invite did not come through-i think maybe you put the is as part of the address.. I just forgot the space. Thanks again! Christine