Monday, July 07, 2008

Temple Tour - Logan

Next stop on our Utah temple tour was the Logan Temple. Jimmy's grandparents, John Russel & Ruth Smith were married there. Aunt Carol and Uncle Shane were married there too.

When we were in Logan on the 4th, we thought we'd stop by and let the kids see it. It was too sunny and bright for good photos but it was fun to see the stone temple. Abe commented that he liked white temples better.

The Logan temple was the 2nd temple completed in Utah in 1884; I think it's neat to think of the history behind these older temples.

I remember doing baptisms for the dead here years ago with family for names that Grandma Ruth Nelson had researched.

Where's our next stop.
We shall see.
Probably Bountiful
with Aunt Janey!
A wedding this Saturday.


Reeses Pieces said...

I love Logan. I met Dave at USU. I was born there. My Dad's whole side lives there, so I have fond memories and a special place in my heart for Logan. I'm definitely a Cache Valley girl.

Janey said...

ahhhhhh thanks for the poem heathy!!! You're so funny, haha.