My poor kids are always looking into the sun.

My awesome photography skills are well represented here. No - i didn't crop the photo like this... in all my excitement to get the kids to look at the same time, I moved the camera and missed the tall man in back. Sorry hon! The kids loved seeing the Bee mascot.

As always Abe was hungry the ENTIRE game and in this photo was snarfing a granola bar. These are our friends Steve, Kristin, Alyssa, and baby Sunny (snuggled in the sling).

This is what Max thought of it all. We weren't surprised at this reaction. This babe is just too funny with that crazy long tongue.

"Abe look at the camera." "Hannah stop chewing your gum." "Max, look at dah-dah." Another good representation of our life!

Hannah said her favorite part was riding the train and playing at the playground. Abe said his favorite part was watching the guy hit the ball. Jimmy explained one play to him and I think that's all he saw. Hannah did great watching about half the game. Isn't Alyssa a cute little thing!

Good Ol' American Baseball times!
I love baseball games! What cute pictures of your kids.
I love the real-life photo of you and your kiddos! And great hats! So fun. YOu're such a cute family doing fun things together.
Yeah! I am back! We had so much fun. Your kids are cute. Love that tongue. The other two as well. Love thier little personalities. Alyssa is a cute little think isn't she!
Let's have fun agiain soon.
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