Monday, July 07, 2008

The sweetest little Flower Fairies

Last week at the library Hannah saw this cute little "How Zinnia got her Name" Flower Fairy book. It has the sweetest illustrations by Cicely Mary Barker who was born in 1895 in England.

Many Flower Fairy books and prints are still available. I'd greatly prefer these cute fairies to any Disney drawings even though I know Hannah would love Tinkerbell stuff just as much. There is just something so innocent and sweet about vintage drawings.

I think part of the difference between vintage writing, poems, and drawings and modern cartoons are the values the creators are portraying. Even though I know she is fun too, they always seem to portray TinkerBell as slightly prissy.

In comparison, the Flower Fairy Code is thus written:
Always try to be...

Work Hard
Keep Secrets

Hannah is really into fairy stuff right now and since we haven't hung up any decorations in her room yet, she taped several drawings of fairies to each wall.Having a BRIGHT Imagination certainly provides for simply fun times for kids. It's a fun little thing for Hannah to find delight in the Fairy realm.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'll have to look into those fairy books, the illustrations are darling! Lexi would love them. I love Hannah's fairy drawings! She is such an artist.