Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Day in Hawaii

Hannah has been fascinated with Hawaii ever since Auntie Janey told her she was going on her honeymoon there. Hannah didn't believe that Hawaii was just islands so we showed her the map and she was so amazed at all the water surrounding it.

Over the weekend we got an Oriental Trading Company magazine with pages and pages of Hawaiian Luau Items. Hannah said she really really wanted to go to Hawaii. Abe piped in and said in a surprised voice, "What? Ha-Wall*e?" He was all about going to see Wall*e.

I remembered I had this plastic grass skirt and jewelry so we pulled it out and practiced our Hawaiian dancing. Hannah loved the real seashell necklace from Janers and Sethy. Here's Hannah doing the hula-la ~ as she calls it.

So later on while Hannah and I sat on our porch swing eating banana flavored twin pops she said with a sigh, "I just love being in Hawaii." She was pretending that we were looking out onto the lovely ocean and all our hard rocky dirt was the beautiful sand. Thankfully she has QUITE the imagination seeing as we live in the desert.

For a few days we had a wee bit of paradise by eating pineapple, Hawaiian haystacks, and talking all about Hawaii. Aloha!


Amy D. said...

What a fun time! Yea for Hannah and her imagination!!!

Jolene said...

That is so sweet. I love what she said. So funny.

shauna said...

Cute post! I love Abe's comment mosts of all. too funny.

Lexie said...

What a cute girl and what a fun mom you are!

Marne said...

Great idea Heather! What a fun memory.