Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

After a 6-month hiatus teaching Relief Society in our Saratoga Springs ward (loved that calling teaching the Teaching for our Times Lessons!), I'm back in Young Women's. I was called on Sunday as the Laurel Advisor with a new presidency. We have one active Laurel and just a few active MiaMaids, so our group will be small. There are more Beehives and I'm sure our Young Women's will grow as the Primary girls graduate over the next few years. With such large (or rather ... GIGANTIC) Young Women groups in Tennessee and Arizona, this will be a little different though.

I have been in Young Women's for 6 of the 8 years we've been married. I know it's NOT because I'm good with the youth because honestly, I'm not all that patient with teenage drama and I'm not all that spunky or trendy either. But ... I think the Lord knows I have something to learn from the youth. Don't get me wrong - I love the Young Women of the church, I do ... I just wonder how well I relate to them... ya know.

I've been thinking of ways to be a more patient and better YW leader and two things I've thought about are LOVE and Listening. I know each of us responds to sincere love so one thing I really want to work on is getting to know and really love the girls. Sometimes things just get flying and I forget to just sit and enjoy the girls and get to know them one-on-one. And everyone likes to be listened to so that is a goal of mine to really listen to or be aware of needs with the girls and not just go talk with all the other leaders like I always do. I'm hoping that somehow if I can bear testimony to and show my love for the girls, they will feel love from their Savior and Heavenly Father and know of all the goodness and potential inside of them.

Am I crazy because I really want to go on the Trek next year? Our youth are going to Martin's Cove in Wyoming and I'm hoping Jimmy and I can go together if we can figure out what to do with the barnlings (ummmm, and if our ward wants or needs us anyways). Has anyone been and am I crazy to want to volunteer? It's camping with bugs - after all?

I loved what the new General YW President, Elaine Dalton, said in the last Press Conference in April 2008 to young women everywhere: “Remember who you are. There is power and strength and freedom and joy in living a virtuous life. You are a daughter of God, and you have a unique mission to perform on this earth. Gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and allow Him to guide you through your life. You are a generation of destiny. You are the youth of the noble birthright. You have a great work to do.”

Whenever I think of the youth of the Church and serving in Young Women's, I think of President Hinckley who loved, loved, loved the youth. He has always been so positive about this generation. I want to adopt that same attitude and share that optimism with the youth. Here is a message from President Hinckley. Isn't it good to hear his voice again?

I got this video from a new video page they have on the Young Women Site. (As a side note... on Sunday I found a bunch of other videos posted on lds.org. I wish they'd post more. Hannah loved them.)


Marne said...

In 10 years I can say that the only calling I have not had besides Gospel Doctrine Teacher and Nursery is any calling in YW. Never experienced it. But I think it would be great! I spent most of my married life in Primary....

One of Chad's sisters and her husband has been a Ma and Pa in their stake trek twice. She had some great experiences and really liked it. Although it is a TON of work. Lots to do and keep track of.If you are not going to be a Ma and Pa it wouldn't be as much work. But totally worth it. She loved doing it!

Julie said...

I think you would do a fantastic job with the young women!! I for one can barely handle my own. Love her but ya know. :) I have never been in YW's and I am ok with that. I spend my time with the primary. I guess I still need the basics. :)

Jan said...

Wow! I can't believe you have been in YW for 6 years. I have yet to serve in the YW and I really don't want to, which I know is a bad attitude, but the youth kind of scare me. Probably because I have such bad memories of my youth. Anyway, you really didn't want to know that I am sure. I'm sure you are great at it, which is why you have done it so much.