Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Daily Project

The project for today was putting together the bookshelves for the kiddos. They were almost half-off a few weeks ago and I figured they would be great storage for the kid's rooms.

Abe helped by holding shelves and using the screwdriver. He thought it was cool to be 'Abe the Builder'. Can he do it? YES HE CAN!
He was mighty proud to see his shelf put together because he helped work on it.
Hannah's went much quicker because I knew a bit more what I was doing. Hannah did a super job managing the screwdriver. She screwed in most of the screws even when it got really hard to turn. You go little muscles!Her bins don't exactly match the wall color (sigh... oh well...not that anything matches in our house anyways), but she adored the princess one. I couldn't bear to buy more than one as I don't want her to have a totally princess room.
Max was pretty patient to wait for us to build the shelves. He didn't get new shelves as he doesn't need too much storage quite yet, but here's the color of his accent wall (which I think is darker in reality).
And just for fun if anyone cares to see ... these are the curtains that I love for our living room. The color is Rocky River Faux Silk by HOME at Target. I'm excited to get the downstairs painted a slightly darker neutral tannish than what's in the kid's rooms. I'm thinking the colors will be calm and inviting... and hopefully not too drab.
In other moving news: we still have oodles of boxes we are working on unpacking. Most of us are tired and sickie so not much work is happening as of late with all that. Life seems a whirlwind right now but things will come together and we're excited about our new adventure in this house.


Julie said...

You go Heather! Where did you get your cute shelves? You are supermom!

Alison said...

I love those shelves! What a fun project to do with your kids. Great job! And I love the paint colors in each of their rooms. I would LOVE to come see your whole house!

Jan said...

I love the shelves. We need some of those. Ethan and Al would love Abe's shelves.

luvmy5boyscora said...

Love all your colors. And I eyed those exact curtains at Target not so long ago, but would have to totally change the colors in my house as I don't know that they would look very good with barn red...which I have a lot of. Anyways, isn't it just crazy unpacking and getting organized from moving? And you buy a new house, and there is still a list of projects to do?...it is fun though.

Carol said...

Great job on the kids rooms Heath! I love the shelves. Very fun and functional. I'm so happy for you to be moved into a new home!

Amy D. said...

Ok, I LOVE those shelves for the kids. Fun project, too!