Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Maxwell is 6 months old

I can hardly believe this babe has celebrated his half birthday. It seems like I was just recovering from a c-section and moving across the country with a wee little thing. And here he is so tall and smiley and happy.I took him in for his 6-month appointment. Here are the stats:

27 1/2 inches - 75%
17 lb 11 oz - 50%
43.8 cm head - 50%

(sidenote: Hannah and Abe love weighing in at the doctor. Last time Abe weighed more by a pound or two, but this time Hannah was 41 with Abe being 40.8. I think it's funny they are so close in weight)

I guess that looks pretty well-rounded for Maxwell. I thought he might be more on height because this babe is growing like a weed and I can't keep him in clothes that fit. I guess that's how babies are.

I had decided to buy 12 month clothes because I'm tired of him growing out of clothes so fast. Then I bought some jammies from Children's place that were 12 month size and they just barely fit him. Are baby clothes shrinking in size? or is it just my kiddos. Yikes!

Max is practicing on sitting up but we still have to really watch him so he doesn't fall right over on his head.

He wasn't rolling over much until we moved into this new house. He kind of has his own space where he won't get trampled by the running kids. Now he is improving on rolling over both ways though he still gets stuck on his back in bed when he wants to be sleeping on his stomach. Wah, wah, wah he cries!

If you need something spit-up on, Max is the man for the job. He's still spewing forth oodles, but now his baby food prunes and bananas are mixed in. Uuummmm!

If you need a smile, Max is there for ya. We think he has the cutest little toothless smile of all time. And he loves to smile. When he gets really tired, he laughs so hard at anything and everything. He brightens our life.

The other day when he was sick, he was the most snuggly little guy. It made me realize that he's starting to become more wiggly. I love when he'll still snuggle into my shoulder.

He's also in the stage to try and swipe everything. He is reaching for the phone, the camera, pens, our food, silverware. He sure is a curious kiddo.

Maxwell recently received the honor of joining us at the table for meal time. We got rid of his high chair due to bulkiness and now he sits in a booster on a dining room chair. He sits between me and Hannah. Hannah spends most of meal time trying to pick up the toys Max has thrown to the ground. He seems to sense that he's one of us now.

So - yep - we'll keep our babe - spit up and all. He's a total cutie. I can't imagine our little family without his cheerful little spirit. We love ya Maxie Max!


Steph and Eric said...

i love little Max. He is so cute!!! I am glad he is such a happy little fellow. Warner is teething and it is a really grumpy and needy time for him. Yuck.

Amy D. said...

What a happy kiddo! He's been here for awhile, and seems glad about it. He has a super family!

Julie said...

Darling baby. Makes me want one again. :)

Alison said...

Can he really be six months old? It gives me hope. :) I know I shouldn't wish time away, but I hope Brenner outgrows his crankiness soon. Thank you so much for your tips with the gripe water, etc. I need to look in to that! Last night was another bad night. He is just so miserable. Anyway, Max is such a little cutie, I love that he knows he's part of your family and gets to sit up to the table with you all! That is so cute. Loves!