Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Jimmy signed up for Facebook for his job in web analytics research dealing with social networking or something of the sort.

So I decided to start an account to see if I could find some long lost friends (yoo-hoo friends, where are you??) and I was curious how it all worked because I hear from the youth and young adults about 'writing on my wall' and such.

What a curious phenomenon Facebook is. It's completely wild with connections.

I was amazed how many people my age or older are on there. It is a fun way to find old friends and keep up with people. It's so different than blogging. My college-age sister-in-law thinks blogs are funny and such a 'mom' thing.

Even though I'm not interested in spending all my time on Facebook, I think as a parent or YW leader of teens, it's good to be aware of their online world & see what contacts & friends they associate with. And I know it can be a good clean fun social thing too. But I can also see lots of drama coming forth amongst teens and young adults about who has the most friends or people not adding you as their friend, etc.

In other stakes & wards we had trouble with youth posting inappropriate photos & their parents were unaware of their involvement on Myspace & such.

I think it will be a challenge to know all that teens are up to - period!, but I can see how being a 'friend' on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace with them, would let you into their world a little bit.

I wonder what the youth will be into online or on phones when my kids are teens? Scariness!

Don't grow up kids ... but if you must, then please grow up sweet!


Marne said...

Last month the State Attorney General of Idaho (Lawrence Wasden) came to speak to the youth and parents in our stake about internet safety. He is LDS. It was a very informative fireside. He had some strong feelings about how bad MySpace and Facebook are. He said that FaceBook is the exact same thing as MySpace, and they have just as many problems with child porn and predators on FaceBook as they do on MySpace. He had specific examples of how quickly someone can find you if they want to. It was scary to listen to. Of course, he was specifically talking to teens but I think it applies to everyone. He pleaded with parents to really know what your kids are doing online at all times.

Julie said...

I think it is so easy to be left "behind" the times the older we get. I would rather be in the know then out to lunch. If you know what I mean. I think it is fun to find people that I haven't seen or heard from forever. We even have a missionary from Brazil that we had at our home a lot on our facebook friend list. I think it is cool. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how technology and advancement are great and terrible at the same time??? I love facebook for networking with old friends, but wow, what a time waster if you aren't careful. Along with other bad stuff... But, I'm grateful at the same time because of how technology can spread the gospel

Amy D. said...

As a mom of teens, I gotta know about these things. We'll check it out to be knowledgeable, for sure. I loved how President Hinckley was able to encourage the use of technology for good. We will join that effort!