Thursday, June 19, 2008

The eternal internal debate...

... is whether or not to go private with my blog.

And I guess I'm going to bite the bullet and just do it. Sigh...

I don't really want to because it bugs me to have to log into my own blog and I know people don't like to have to log in to see others. What!! - and no google reader feed- arg!!! And sometimes I come across someone's blog that I know but I don't have a way to contact them to be invited. Sigh...

Mostly it's for my peace of mind that I'm going private because I think about it every day and I have enough to worry about.

I've never heard of a real person having problems with their blog and predators though I hear the warnings all the time from FBI authorities, but I guess I don't want to take the chance. Perhaps I'm taking more of a chance taking my little family to Walmart - probably! You never know who lurks about. sigh...

I'm not out to exclude family, friends, or friends of friends, so comment with your email address or send me an email to happyfam{at}gmail{dot}com, if you'd like an invite. I know I don't have everyone's email who reads the bloggy so be sure to email me.

sigh... wouldn't it be nice to live in a safe, safe world with no boogie-people. sigh...


Julie said...

I know you have my email- please don't leave me out.:) I understand the back and forth with it all. I found if I log into my gmail then go directly to my blog, I don't have to "login". Just an FYI.

Lori Ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dang. Well, that is the way it goes, I suppose. I bet I'll be joining you soon.
Make sure you email me with an invite (you have my address)

Jolene said...

me too.

Reeses Pieces said...

and me too!

Janey said...

me too heathy. I'm gunna bite the bullet too after the wedding. I should put a post out there too...sigh.

Lexie said...

I would love to be invited!

Jenni Taysom said...

Please add me, I would miss reading your blogs, you always have such interesting thoughts and ideas.

abby's photo shoppe said...

I believe you have my address, if not, comment on my blog. I may be in the same boat as you soon.

Marne said...

Don't forget me!

I just go to my main google accounts page. It automatically logs me in and I can access my reader, blogs, and gmail from one page. Easy!

I LOVE being private and knowing who is reading my blog. Much more peace of mind! I have had several people ask me to be invited or tell me people who used to read my blog want to read it again...and I invite it isn't too big of a deal. I just invited an aunt and uncle and cousin last week, who I had no idea had seen my blog in the first place before. Kinda funny.

Jan said...

Please invite me! I have been thinking about goind private myself, but I hate to leave people out, not that I have that many people reading my blog anyway. Although, it would be nice to know exactly who has access. I'll probably bite the bullet here soon.

Alison said...

Please include me too! Love ya Heath!

Anonymous said...

please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget me:) If you don't have my address just leave me a note on my blog. Thanx

Andrea said...

Me! Me! Add me please, Heather. :)

luvmy5boyscora said...

Count me in-I love your blog. I will probably be right behind you going private too. I have been going back and forth since I started blogging. My email is

Lori Ann said...

Add me too please. I commented earlier (I thought) but I don't see mine here. I am always hitting the wrong button. Thanks, Lori