Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The chore that never ends...

When I was a teenager my sisters and I heard the song:

"This is the song that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends.
Some people started singing it
not knowing what it was.
And they continue singing it forever just because
this is the song that never ends... ... ... ..."

So when I was a Junior in high school, my family took a drive across the country to a conference my dad had in Virginia. We stopped at a bunch of church history sites and such. With 3 silly girls in the van, we started singing,

"This is the trip that never ends.
It just goes on and on my friends ... ... ..."

We actually loved that trip but we did have long hours in the car. I'm sure it drove my parents bananas.

Well today as I was sorting through mountains and mountains of laundry, this song came to mind,

"This is the chore that never ends.
It just goes on and on my friends... ... ..."

I know it's really silly to take a photo of my dirty laundry for I really believe I won't miss it when it goes away someday. But this is part of my life right now.

It's never a good thing for the laundry situation when mother is sick for a week and the laundry piles up for a few weeks during a move. Should 5 people even have this many clothes?

We've got a batch for jeans, darks, mediums, lights, whites, brights, reds, and towels/burp rags. Usually we don't have that many batches but I had to do some extra sorting so they were realistically-sized batches.

The new idea I had for my laundry situation in this house was to get the kids those little green baskets for their room. When it is full, they will bring it to my bathroom where we have all the laundry baskets in a row and they will sort it themselves. That part has worked well. But until today I didn't have any of our laundry sorted in an orderly fashion. Tis done now and we're on our way.

I'd love if all my loads were as small as the reds and brights. It wasn't hard carrying those mini baskets up and down the stairs. I'm thinking the smaller the loads, the better for me not feeling overwhelmed by it all so constantly.

I better get back to trying a batch every morning. sigh...


Lexie said...

Oh Heather.........I feel your pain! I feel like laundry is my life! On top of my own I have been washing stuff from our flood.......I have a lot of clothes boxed from my older girls that I am saving for Hallie. Luckily one of my neighbors helped me out with some of it. :)

Reeses Pieces said...

Cute post. I remember singing that song too. I hate laundry. I'm drowning in it as we speak.

Amy D. said...

You have nice laundry baskets, Heath. That makes it a little bit funner :). We have a small red batch every week or two...it's a fun one.

Julie said...

I totally agree!! I love your song. I like your idea with the sorting. I wonder if my kids would do that. I have a hard enough time getting them to take it to the laundry room. hummmm... it gets me thinking...

Marne said...

Nice song. I haven't heard that in years.

Good job on taking that photo...it's nice to document the everyday, mundane tasks of our lives. LAUNDRY...the never-ending beast.