Sunday, June 08, 2008

Back to the Future - didn't we just move?

Remember this post from January about being up to our eyeballs in boxes? Well, the boxes are back. This is the same living room in our rental house a few days ago.

The kids have been a little unsettled about CHANGE. Abe decided he didn't like our new house. And he didn't like blue anymore so he didn't care about his room....until we moved in and he loved running around and around in circles in his room with all the space.

Here are the kids sleeping on mattresses on the floor Friday, the night before our move, because Jimmy had taken the bunk bed apart.
Look how content Maxie has become to moving boxes. He's snuggling right up. We put his mattress on the floor too since the crib was disassembled. I didn't want him to fall off so I was trying to block the way down. Don't worry - we moved him far from the edge.
Here are the kiddies yesterday, the big moving day. I let them pack some clothes and since I figured it would be warm, we ended up with flip flops, short sleeves, and shorts. But it was quite chilly and slightly raining.

We scavenged and found a jacket and pants (Hannah in boy jeans). We ended up buying them both new tennis shoes since they needed some for sports this summer anyways. I loved Abe's shoes with his outfit.

Mom and Dad took the kids while the boys were unloading the truck. It was such a help. The kids had fun at Cabela's and Abe loved McDonald's play area. Thanks for watching the barnlings!

I know the kids always wonder why I want them to be in a picture when the sun is shining. They need to always wear sunglasses I guess. Big truck, eh? We filled it 1 1/4 times.

A huge shout out of THANKS to Steve and Ryan who stayed FOREVER lifting and carrying and sweating. We didn't have as many helpers as we anticipated from the EQ so we really appreciate all who did more than their share of work. May you receive countless blessings for helping us.
We could hardly keep Abe from getting run over because he was so excited to see the truck and how big it was. Here he is pretending to drive. See the glee on that boy's face!
And finally - the laundry room. Julie loves the laundry room color. I've done 2 batches thus far and each time I thought - hey, this is cheerful. So glad we painted that room such a Sensible Hue!

Last night we were so wiped out. Jimmy worked so hard physically to haul everything and then install some curtains last night. He's a good man! We basically feel like a fish bowl here. Nobody has fences and though our neighbors have blinds, we haven't quite gotten that far yet. So much to do... so much to do... so much to do...

But I'm way excited to be in this house and be able to get settled in our ward, our neighborhood, and get organized. The next few weeks will be hard but also fun to get stuff in place or thrown out.

When people serve me and my family, it makes me realize how much we all need each other. Thanks to Tia Beebs for watching Hannah and Abe for 6 hours - yes! 6 hours - on Friday so mom and I could pack up the entire kitchen.

This was one of the best things for us. We loaded everything into boxes and laundry baskets, brought it over, and unloaded it.

So yesterday when we moved in, our kitchen was set. I made a non-fancy dinner of noodles, white sauce, and peas, but I've never had a move where we actually ate a sit-down meal the night we moved in. Thanks mom for making that possible.

Yeppers - we're on our way and just need to barely clean the rental and then dive into the hundreds of boxes to be unpacked. Phew - we're still alive!


abby's photo shoppe said...

I am excited for you to be in your new home. I hope everything gets unpacked 10000 times faster than expected. :)

Cheri said...

I can't believe how big Max is! Time sure flies when you look at someone elses' baby. I had to count the months to see how old he is now!
I hope you love your new house. The kitchen looks so nice! I'd love to visit you all...someday.

Steve Sokol said...

Come on! I thought I'd get more of a shout out than that! I was Misty Moncur's blog buddy of the day--and all I did was find her lost child: See

Sorry for the shameful self-promotion.

luvmy5boyscora said...

I am cracking up at your picture of Maxwell snuggling right up to the box. That is so funny and cute! Good luck with getting everything unpacked and organized. And I absolutely LOVE the laundry room color too. Not too bright, but sunny enough. I may have to copy! Happy unpacking.