Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Uncle Roger Nelson

My uncle Roger passed away and yesterday we found out about it. He was 51 one years old and my mom's youngest sibling.

I liked Carol's blog post about Uncle Roger and remembering the good. And I just wanted to record a memory or two. Mostly I remember Rog pretending to put us in the bath with our clothes on and I remember shrieking about it. I remember that he loved reading books and for Christmas he used to give us a family book to read out-loud. I'm glad he enjoyed reading and learning.

I didn't know him very well as an adult, but I've enjoyed reading memories from cousins and sisters. I think my favorite photo of Roger is when he had thick black glasses (just like Grandpa Nelson's) in my parents wedding photo. We'll have to scan that in sometime and share it.

I hope that his mind and heart are more at peace and that he can visit with his parents in the Spirit World. When someone dies, it is interesting to think about the plan of salvation and my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

thank you, Heather.

Carol said...

He was the biggest tease, wasn't he? He sure knew how to make people laugh and make life fun. Thanks, Heath.

Amy D. said...

:) I so loved Uncle Roger. We have got to see the horn-rimmed glasses photo....thanks for the loving words.