Monday, May 05, 2008

the Orthopedic doctor

Today we spent a good 2 hours at the orthopedic doctor for little Abe. Abe was easily entertained by 3 turtles in a big tank for a good half hour. The play area was full of little boys with broken arms so they all got along just fine. Because we were all waiting there forever during dinner time (4:30 - 7 p.m.), the receptionist handed out candy/chocolate. She didn't want anyone to yell at her I think.

Anyhoo... the results. Yep, Abe broke his arm really close to his elbow. It was so interesting to see the x-rays from last Tuesday. I figured y'all wanted to see Abe's bones, so here they are.The doctor said that the break was really close to the growth plate (as noted in the lovely x-ray photo) but hopefully he wouldn't have any complications with that. We hope too!

They took more x-rays just to make sure the break was the same, and then the doctor casted his arm. Abe thought it was really cool to pick the color. He was really brave and the doctor told him that he was the best patient all day. Abe was, of course, very proud of him. This was the helper-guy (I don't know his title - maybe he was a doctor too)... who held Abe's arm bent but still so the doc could wrap it.
The doctor seemed very eager when I asked if I could take a picture. He posed quite nicely. I also asked him if he had a trampoline. He grimaced a little and admitted he did. He said he could cast arms and legs, but couldn't do much for broken necks, so they have strict guidelines about what you can and can't do... such as back flips. Dr. Wells was a great doctor. Abe said, "I don't like doctors. I like cars." And I told the doctor that and he laughed and told Abe he liked cars too.
We're glad the cast is completely waterproof so he can take baths. I hope it doesn't get too smelly. He has to wear it for 3 weeks... not too bad. I was hoping it wouldn't be 6... so this is good.

As we walked out the door, Abe commented that he really liked his cast. He kept knocking on it because it was so hard.

As soon as we got home, Abe wanted to go show Hannah his cool blue cast. She thought a pink one would be lovely but I think she realizes casts and broken arms are no fun. Maybe she can draw him a picture on his cast!


Anonymous said...

Poor guy! Looks like he did well though. I wish we had cool colors for casts when I broke my leg on our tramp, I just had the plain ol white one. When they took my cast off my mom saved it. It's fun to look at & see all my friends & family's names & the stuff they wrote on it. Best of luck Abe!

abby's photo shoppe said...

What a brave boy! And a good mom. Love the pictures and hope he gets feeling better soon.
Love the northern Idaho clan

Marne said...

GOod job for taking your camera for pictures Heather. There was a period in my life where I wish I did that more often with my younger kids....oh well.

That cool cast will help Abe get better soon...and all the attention he gets!

Barry said...

Hey there Heather. Sorry about the broken arm. This is Alisa Brown. Now Humpherys. How the heck are you? It is good to hear from you. Thanks for adding me to your blog. I must add you to mine! This blogging thing is new to me but sure fun to catch up with friends. Let's stay in touch!

Lexie said...

I hate dr. appts. that last that long and you are chasing kids around and going CRAZY! I hope Abe's arm heals okay. Love the pics!

Alison said...

Wow! What a cute brave boy. I love his blue cast! Hope he heals quickly! And that totally scares me about the trampoline. My kids go crazy on ours with a million kids - I better set some rules so we don't have any broken necks!

Cheri said...

Well, Abe and Alana really are kindred spirits. We spent some time in the urgent care this morning to check out Alana's left arm. Thankfully not broken, but swelled and sprained. She's sporting a nice wrist brace. She liked seeing pictures of Abe today, and knowing that he's going through it too! Thanks for smiling Abe!

Amy D. said...

It looks like Abe got great care. Nice Ortho guys.