Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Lord's Love

This last week was a hard one for me. I think it was just lots of little things that added up. It didn't start too well with our Sunday fiasco. With Abe's broken arm and me having to do everything for him that just added to the chaos. Tears were shed every day be someone or other - mostly by me though. I got lots of dishes done in all my tears so I guess that's a good thing.

It was a week where I felt I couldn't do anything quite right. Nothing was getting done in my house and it was driving me crazy. I felt like all I did all day was feed Max and entertain Max (don't get me wrong - I love that Babe... but infants do require constant care) and referee all the battles between the other two kiddies.

If we're doing fun productive activities and the house falls apart - so be it! But when we're not even surviving and the house falls apart, I feel dumb. So housekeeping and mothering and wifery (made-up word for 'being a wife'?) were not happening too well this week for me.

My love bucket was kind of running on empty. I'm not blaming everyone in my family here - I fully realize I have a part in this. I was cranky as can be (4 super crazy ulcers in my mouth didn't help my irritability level) and I know a grouchy mama doesn't help anything in the home. And I also know if I swallowed all my pride and selfishness, things would be happier. Right? Right!

There were a bunch of good things about our week - and I'm not ignoring these. At least Abe didn't break his neck! I got to eat lunch at Thanksgiving Point with the girlies. Janey came to town and we got to look at darling Wedding Announcements. Janers taught Hannah a really funny dance with a silly song. She also taught Hannah how to play her nose as an instrument. Gotta love skills like those. The builder put the cupboards and flooring in our house. Yippee! I got to look at paint samples. See - so there were some good things goin' for me.

And then today I just loved church. For once in a long, long time, I felt like church was rejuvenating. In sacrament meeting (Abe was sitting by Jimmy of course!), a gal who I really like bore her testimony. She said she just felt like sharing her experience this week. She was feeling like she was trying to balance everything in her life but that nothing was going well. (hi! - just like me!) And she said she finally just decided to pray about what to do so she could feel good about things in her life and all her efforts. And her answer was to just deal with the most important things.

Of course that sounds like an obvious thing... but when you are caught up in trying to BE everything, it's hard to see through the mud - ya know. So really, I felt like she shared that maybe just for me - so I can remember to just focus on the most important things - like my children - loving and teaching them... and not let the house falling-to-shreds get me down.

The other day when I was bawling my eyes out to Mary, she shared a bit of advice from a friend's blog. The advice was was this gal's mom who came to help after she had her 5th baby. She said, "Just let your house go...something has to...and your kids are too important." So for now, I'm going to try not to panic about stuff right now... so I can enjoy a few moments with my kiddies. We'll see if I can do it.

The other thing I loved at church was the R.S. lesson. It was on feeling Love from the Lord. The lesson was based on some of Bonnie D. Parkin's messages. Here are my favorite quotes from October 2006 Conference:
I received a strong witness that we, His daughters, need to know that He loves us. We need to know that He sees the good in us. Feeling His love encourages us to press forward, reassures us that we are His, and confirms to us that He cherishes us even when we stumble and experience temporary setbacks.

I had this message confirmed when I bore my testimony in the Sunday afternoon session of general conference in April of 2002. That morning I was told that Elder David B. Haight might not be able to participate in the conference. If that happened, I would have five minutes to bear my testimony. I prayed extra hard for Elder Haight that day!

Sunday morning I watched him come into the Conference Center, and I started to relax—right up until the moment he exited during the congregational hymn. As I stood at the podium that afternoon, the teleprompter screen was blank!

But the message that kept coming to my mind and heart was that women need to feel the Lord's love in their lives daily. It was the message I knew I needed to convey that day, and it continues to be our message.

...Do we frequently reject the Lord's love that He pours out upon us in much more abundance than we are willing to receive? Do we think we have to be perfect in order to deserve His love? When we allow ourselves to feel "encircled about eternally in the arms of his love," we feel safe, and we realize that we don't need to be immediately perfect.

We must acknowledge that perfection is a process. This is a gospel of eternal progress, and we must remember to appreciate the journey. Eternal means "without beginning or end," so the encircling of His love is there for us every day. Remember, it's constant—even when we don't recognize it.

I love Nephi's description of this great gift: "The love of God . . . sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things . . . and the most joyous to the soul." I testify that this is true.
We also talked about how our children can sense how we view ourselves in what we say about our bodies, our talents, our efforts. And if they see that we love ourselves and we know who we are as Daughters of God, that will strengthen them to know and feel of Heavenly Father's love for them.

So - what I realized today is that even when I have a crummy week, my love bucket should never feel empty... because I can feel Love from the Lord... but I need to let that love in.

And through humble prayer (key word - humble!), I can feel that Love and also know what things I need to do to make my home a good place to be. Prayer - it's a good thing - that I know I don't do often enough.

So - a crummy week behind me!

Lessons learned (hopefully!).

And forging onward!


abby's photo shoppe said...

OH HEATHER! Do you have any idea how much I adore your blog!!?? Thank you for putting into words how I feel sometimes. And I only have ONE child! I knew there was a reason for being addicted to reading other blogs and your blog is ONE OF THEM!!! I hope your next week goes better and really... don't sweat the small stuff!!! You deserve to let that stress just roll right out of your system. Seriously, let it go and you will feel better!

Alison said...

Okay, you made me cry. Thank you for these thoughts! I love the quote with the picture. Another one I'm printing out to hang up where I see it every day. I love that talk by Bonnie Parkin. What a wonderful thing to remember. It is so easy to try to do everything in our own strength, when we could do so much more if we believed in the Lord to help us even with silly mundane everyday things. I'll email you an experience I had along this point. Love ya!

Kristin Sokol said...

Don't forget to lean on your husband, when times are hard. Just tell him you need him to be your boyfriend for a minute and let him rescue you. It makes you feel better and men love to rescue their women, it makes them feel masculine. Everyone wins and something out of the ordinary usually happens and breaks up the tension.

The Lord is good for relief too, but really, he gave you your husband to help you out with things like this. I'm pretty sure that's why the first commandment is to love one another. I take that one quite litteraly. Raising kids is hard and frustrating on a regular basis, you need all the love you can get from your husband.

Lexie said...

Thanks for sharing Heather. My bucket is pretty empty today....I needed these thoughts. :)

Amy D. said...

What lovely thoughts and beautiful articulation of so much of what moms feel! That message is timely for me, too. Thanks, Heath.

Jenni Taysom said...

Thank you for sharing Sister Parkin's words. I miss going to Relief Society. It is easy to let life overwhelm us - especially with a new baby - it takes so much time for life to re-adjust. It's wonderful that we have church and leaders that remind us where to turn and remind us that we are not alone in this journey.
I've been working with my kids lately trying to get them to be better helpers - we had a family council yesterday and set some family goals to work on this week - one was to be better helpers and "quickly obey" when mommy and daddy ask them to help.
My kids love to help with dishes - Charlie unloads what he likes (the plates and cups, he doesn't like to do the silverware) and Tom helps load up as I hand him the plates and cups to put in the dishwasher. I'm still trying to get them more excited about helping with laundry - they fold very well, but do not like to do it.
I have a book, "The Potentially Sane Mother's Guide" by Tamara Fackrell and she explains that teaching children to help with chores is less about getting the house clean and more about building relationships with our children.
I thought to put that in because if you are like me it is easy to say "just let the house go" but I get very depressed seeing it such a mess all the time. I've lessened my expectations - I mostly just strive to keep things picked up and maybe vacuum once a week, but if things get too out of order I don't feel well emotionally.
I have a morning routine and an evening routine that I TRY to follow - beds made, rooms picked up and dishes done. Just getting those few things done - even if it takes until 11 am - makes the house feel good - even though the bathroom has toothpaste goobers from last week and I haven't dusted in a month.
Sorry I've rambled for so long - this is obviously an issue I struggle with too.

Carol said...

I'm so sorry for your crummy week . . . and to have cankers on top of it all! They are so very painful and make everything that much worse! I'm impressed with your attitude and wish you a better week this week, Heath!