Monday, May 19, 2008

Beginning of the Temple Tour

I thought it would be fun to go on a temple tour this spring with the kids. Now that we live next to so many temples, I figured we may as well see them all.

Today when we were at the doctor's for Abe's x-rays in American Fork, I thought we could go see the Mt. Timp Temple. It is closed on Monday so we just walked around the outside grounds. It was way too bright and sunny for the kiddies, but the sunglasses helped.I love this temple because I went to the Open house, first received my own endowment here in 1999, and was married to Jimmy here in 2000. Jimmy also proposed across the street from this temple on a park bench. What memories!

And yes, Hannah is wearing Abe's shorts. And they really were going for the matchy-matchy-green-squared idea!


Alison said...

That is a great idea Heath! I wish we lived closer so we could tour with you. The grounds are beautiful and your kids adorable in their matchy matchy green squared! :)

Amy D. said...

Oh, how nice to see the temples. Alison, you guys could tour IF, Rexburg and soon, Twin Falls :)--though that one is a little far. I agree it would be sweet to go together.