Monday, May 19, 2008

5 months old

My Maxwell was 5 months old yesterday. Time is flying man! My babe is growing up.

Here's some stats from 2 weeks ago:
26 1/4" (70%)
weighs 16 lbs. 6 oz (50%)
head circumference 42.9 cm (50%)

He definitely has outgrown his 3-6 month clothes. Today I put a 12 month t-shirt on him and it was only a little bit big (given ... - it was Children's Place which always seem to run small or short or something).

This month Max has become the ultimate slobber guy. He cannot contain all the drool. I love how cute babies can be even with all that slobber.

He is still totally and completely spitting up. Especially when he has a cold, he spits up so much. I think it's from all the mucous he is swallowing.

Max has had multiple colds this winter/spring. The doctor thought he had RSV for a while but it wasn't serious. This week he has a new gooby nose problem. I've decided a good name for him is 'Snoggers' as he has a hard time breathing out his nose and it's all snoggy-like.

Max discovered his toes. Hurray! He will grab them on purpose and hold on. And he makes efforts to reach for our faces. On Sunday he had the most determined look on his face because he was trying to grab my necklace. He certainly has determination.

He loves Hannah to sing and play with him. Abe entertains him occasionally and has started sharing cars, which is a nice thing of him to do.

Max really likes to be held and utterly despises his stroller. His mother is not extremely pleased with the stroller-dislike. He does like the sling. I only wear it about once every two weeks or so, but the other day I needed to go to the grocery store and I was trying to brave it with 3 kiddos. I put Max in the sling (which about broke my back by the end) and he was sooooooo good. He hardly made a sound and must have loved looking around at everything.

Max is very smiley. He looks all around at church to find people who are looking at him, and then he flashes them a big smile. He still smiles during gaggy spit-up too. He is such a joy.

Sleeping... eh, I think we need to make it cry it out at night. All the bedrooms are so close together in this house so it is hard to hear him cry when it is so loud. But I know he can make it 10 hours. He still wakes up about once a night and sometimes more. I think we just need to buckle down and put in earplugs.

We've been having Max practice sitting up. He pretty much bends in half or tips over to the side within a few seconds. He can roll over when he is mad and crying from his stomach to his back. But he hasn't quite figured out the back to stomach thing. I think he needs more motivation.

We have fed Max rice and oatmeal cereal a few times, but he hasn't quite discovered the joy and skill in all that jazz.

His hair often looks reddish in photos, but it really isn't that red in real life. Some people think it looks red, but mostly I think it's brown and turning blond. And those eyes - man are those eyes so cute and blue!

Well - there's the grandiose update on Maxie-Max. Happy 5 months buddy!


Janey said...

look at that handsome stinky man! Oh i love max so much i can't wait to see him again!!!

Marne said...

Max is so cute Heather! He is starting to look less like a those eyes!

Alison said...

Can he be 5 months already! Wow! He looks like such a happy little guy. I want to pick him up and kiss him. Hey, where did you get the bumbo? I would love to get one but haven't seen them anywhere... although I haven't looked very hard. It seems like a great thing! And it looks like he's going to be sitting up all by himself for longer times in no time! What a big boy. Cute!

Alisa said...

When was he born. Addy is 5 months as well. It is funny how many things they do are the same. She does the spit thing sometimes and is just barely getting the idea of sitting up. I think shes likes to stand more than sit. He is a cutie that is for sure! Oh, and Addy was born on Dec 17.

Amy D. said...

Wow! He is growing up so fast! I can't wait to see him :)