Saturday, April 26, 2008

We're buying a box...

...and I couldn't be more excited about it. We signed a contract this morning on a new construction spec home that will be finished in May. It isn't a fancy-smancy house and it hardly has any style but it has great square footage and a few simple upgrades that will make it pleasant (ya know - like A.C. ... can you believe A.C. is an upgrade?)

I love the floorplan because the bottom floor is open which is perfect for the stage of our family right now. The kitchen has a little island with a bar. The front living room has double french doors which will make a perfect piano room. And upstairs there are 4 bedrooms and a small loft. I'm way excited to paint the kid's rooms and help them have a fun little space of their own (as we are crumpled on top of each other here and we are all going quite crazy, especially this week.)

I'm super glad about the pantry that is gynormous (which Jimmy always is sure to tell Hannah is a made-up word). My mind is thinking, thinking, thinking about where to put everything. My life has been in turmoil being in temp housing with no home for anything. I know President Monson always cousels us to 'live in the present' but I have been anxiously awaiting the future when I feel more settled and organized in a home of our own. And then I'll do better at living in the present. :)

I saw these gallon and half-gallon containers from Industrial Container on this gal's blog. They are a super cheapo deal and I want to go to the warehouse and pick some up for the pantry. I thought they would be handy to store all sorts of yummies in... like fruit leather, variety of noodles, choc chips, and other small food storage type items. How tidy is that! I'm also getting buckets and gamma seal lids for bigger food storage items. I really love and thrive on tidy (which I'm sure Jimmy is questioning at this point of our lives because absolutely nothing is tidy, especially today!!)

So anyhoo... I'm excited that in one month, we'll be getting settled. I'm bummed to leave our ward as they all are so nice. And I love my calling as R.S. Teacher. And I really don't want to be the new person again. Sigh... But now we can sign Hannah up for Kindergarten and start our new adventure.


Jeanna said...

Congrats! That's very exciting to get a new house. Where's it at? I am like you and like a tidy home where everything has a place. Soon you will be in that place. What a day to look forward to! And you'll have a new oven where you will be able to bake the perfect loaf of bread, too!

Marne said...

Yay! How exciting! It is always so fun to plan everything out.

Janey said...

congrats heathy!!!! I'm so excited for you, that's the best! YAHOOO!!!!

Carol said...

Congrats Heather!! It's so fun that you get a nice new home! I'm glad for you to have a place of your own to settle into. That will be so nice!

{B}dreamy said...

That's great news! Congratulations and have fun daydreaming, in the present. And then have even more fun making it a reality, in the future! *B

Amy D. said...

I am so excited for your new house!!! I have a few of those clear storage containers...they are nice. You will be so glad to settle in, I'm sure.

Lexie said...

Very exciting! I am really happy for you! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats. i am guessing that is the home out my direction? Glad we will be closer. I would love some of those containers, too!

luvmy5boyscora said...

Yeah Heather! I felt so much like that too when we were renting...just not able to get everything organized the way I wanted...I am having a blast now putting my house together. Congrats!

Alison said...

Congrats on your house Heath! That is so super exciting!!! I can't wait for you to move in and then you can get settled once and for all. I would love to come visit you. Hooray for Hannah's kindergarten coming up. Do you think you will be sad to see her go? I'm feeling a twinge of sadness already for Lexi to go. It's sad for kids to grow up!