Thursday, April 17, 2008

Up, Down, All Around

No major happenings here... just little stuff this week. Here's all the blah, blah, blahs...

I'm going on 2 weeks with this cough and sinus congestion. I hope it gets better soon because my body is weary from coughing up a lung. Sigh... And for some reason, I've had constant canker sores in my mouth for the past few months. Ick!

I took Max to the doctor today because I realized he had been really gooby-nosed for over 3 weeks and I wondered if he had a type of sinus infection. She gave us an antibiotic if it doesn't clear up in a day or two. (For Sugar City Folk: the Physician's assistant was Jory Dalling's wife. They just got married. She was so super sweet. I'm happy for them.)

While at the Pediatrician's, the kids had fun weighing themselves. Here are the results:

Maxwell: 15.9 lb
Hannah: 40 lb
Abe: 42 lb

I suppose it's a good thing that Hannah isn't the hefty one seeing that she's a girlie and all.

One thing we have been dealing with this week is some serious sassy-girl attitude from Hannah. I'm not quite sure where it's coming from. She usually is so sweet. She stuck her tongue out at me about 10 times and consequently spent the rest of the day in her room. If sweet things, kind words, and respectful language can't come out of her mouth, then sweets and treats won't go in for a while until she shapes up. I hope this is a very short phase she's going through.

But to give her a little credit... when we were reading the scriptures about Moroni teaching the people that if you want to be baptized that you have to repent and be willing to serve Christ. Hannah really is excited about being baptized so she was very eager for me to teach her how to repent and what to say in her prayer. I suppose we all have these learning moments.

The song we focused on learning this week was 'Choose the right way'. It was quite needed.
As for Abe, last week he kept waiting until the last second to go potty and had multiple accidents.... all because he would rather play, or watch tv, or play computer instead of the necessary bathroom trip. Since potty wasn't top on his priority list, we had to cut out other favorite activities so he would have time and motivation to go potty first. This week he is doing splendidly with 0 accidents. Hurray!

We're still on the hunt for a house. Our rental lease ends the middle of June so we've been searching high and low since January. We've put offers on a few short sales and are hoping the bank will accept our offer. The banks are taking forever right now due to all the foreclosures. So, hopefully the best deal and right house and situation will come along soon for us. It is difficult because housing prices are much higher here than in Memphis. And since we didn't make any money on our house in Tennessee, we are starting from scratch. Sigh...

I got my hair cut. Hurray! It's pretty short. Today I thought it was up in a ponytail and then I remembered it was just short. I must be a true blonde! I like that it's not hanging heavy on my head. It was so fun to visit with Camille and have a break from the kiddies. It's good for my spirits to visit with another mom without kids under foot.

Still planning my food storage. Thanks for all the ideas!!! I called the food storage center and they are out of wheat. They don't know when any more is coming. And it's first come, first serve, so I'll just have to try back later. I'm just going to build my 3-month supply until we move. I'm hoping our new house will have great storage possibilities and hefty pantry space. And I hope we stay there for more than 2 years (that's our usual moving routine) so we don't have to haul all the food we've stored. We'll see how that all goes.

I know you are sooo going to laugh at me, but I must admit that I still haven't exercised or started my 100 miles in 100 days. My life is still on survival mode and I guess I'm not geared up for that yet. A time and season for everything, I suppose. We're still working on basics like laundry, dishes, tidying, and wiping slobby noses. All in due time... all in due time... for there is always hope - even for myself - at least I keep reminding myself of that.

What else? I'm the Teachings for our Time Relief Society teacher. On Mother's Day I am teaching Julie Beck's "Mother's who know" lesson. I hope it goes well and that the discussion is positive. I'm excited to prepare and reread the talk. Hopefully I'll be inspired to be a better mama.

And to close, I guess we'll show photos of Abe. Jimmy was telling him a knock-knock joke or something and this was the result. Abe is a pretty fun kid. All week long he has been begging us to fly kites, but it keeps snowing. What's up with the weather? And last of all, tonight Abe said, "I can't be gentle because I am so strong." Oh Abe!


Cheri said...

Abe is sooo cute! And Max looks sooo sweet. We miss you guys!

{B}dreamy said...

That strong boy is such a cutie! And witty, too. *B

Anonymous said...

Hey, let's see a photo of your new haircut--Camille says you look darling!
Wheat--keep trying to get it. I just heard that wheat is going to be VERY difficult to get (huge shortage in the US), and even bread will be WAYYYY expensive by the end of the year. So as soon as you can buy it, do it! Also stock up on bread (if you can freeze it), flour, and boxed goods that have flour (bisquick, cake mixes, etc).
Good luck teaching--you would be a great teacher, wish I could be there.

Alison said...

Wow, I can't believe they're out of wheat. I better check into that here. Great advice from Brittany, I wouldn't have thought of cake mixes, etc.

I love those pictures of Abe, especially the one in the middle where he looks like he is getting such a kick out of the joke. Kids are so fun!

It made me laugh to think of Hannah sticking her tongue out at you (sorry), good luck with that! You're a great mom Heath.

Amy D. said...

Abe the babe! What a cute boy. I want to see your hair...I'll have to call you on skype. Don't kick yourself over the exercise lull. That's the way it goes and if you still have desire, it will happen as you are able. When you are sick, it's often smart to rest, so get well first. Love you all!

shauna said...

Cute photos and a great update! Where is this new model home that you liked? We are in our house now, so when ever you feel ready come on up and visit!