Saturday, April 19, 2008

Twas a blustery day

A Saturday with lots to do... laundry, dishes, errands, househunting, decluttering, NBA playoffs, and more. And here in our world, it was a mighty blustery day. The entire valley was a blizzard of dirt and dust. You could hardly see the mountains. But we got a bunch of stuff done and still had time to meet some friends for a family activity.

The Sokols (one of Jimmy's friends from BYU) invited us to join them for dinner at the Brick Oven in Provo. The kids were elated... especially when they heard there was root beer, noodles, and balloons. The Balloon Man finally came around and took orders for a custom balloon. Abe selected Spiderman. Hannah choose Sleeping Beauty. Alyssa got a monkey with a banana.It was fun to finally get out of the house and have a fun family activity especially to get to chat with the Sokols. They are cheerful and good folk!

On the drive home our realtor called us about a new home under construction. Since it was on our way, we stopped by and walked through it and a model. I'm quite in love with the floorplan and the fact that it's new. Love it! We'll see what comes of it all. The sales guy gave us a free Ipod Shuffle for stopping by. Gotta love freebies!


Kristin Sokol said...

Wow you are fast! What a cute pic. We had a great time too, thanks for joining us.

Hope something comes of your stop on the way home. If not, hey free Ipod. Almost can't beat that.

Marne said...

Oh how fun! Balloon animals are the magical. And that is great about the house...hopefully it might work out??? Loving a floorplan is the first step...not tp mention a free Ipod Shuffle. How cool is that?

Alison said...

How fun that would be to move into a new house. I hope it all works out for you! And awesome balloons. My kids would be all over those! What a fun night!

Jolene said...

oh, the Brick oven is one of my favorites. YUM. And those are cool balloons. How exciting about your new home. And a free Ipod! coolness.

Amy D. said...

Awesome freebie! and way awesome balloons! Ok, the house sounds awesome, too and we know the Brick Oven rocks. cutest kids!