Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday, Monday

5 a.m. Up with Max. He usually goes right to sleep, but not today. His tummy was hurting or something so he was whining. Finally goes down at 5:45 a.m.

6:30 a.m. Max wakes up crying... still not feeling well. Bottle. Burp. Cry back to sleep finally at 7 a.m.

7 a.m. Heather is too tired to hold Max anymore and while he cries back to sleep, I go to back to bed wishing I could hide under my covers all day long.

9 a.m. Heather finally wakes up because Hannah and Abe are pulling her out of bed. Can't a mom get any sleep around here. Kidding about that. I know mom's need to sacrifice their beauty sleep for the good of the family. I am grateful my kids are old enough to get some cereal and play so I can rest a little.

10 a.m. Out the door to meet college friends Steph and Brooke. What a fun time to meet at the park and let the kids enjoy the sunshine. They loved their new friends. They all picked dandelions and ran around like crazy. I forgot sunscreen since I've been used to indoors all winter long. Don't forget that next time! Poor Abe got a wee bit red. Luckily Max was in the shade and was protected. It was so fun and rejuvenating to chat with dear friends.
Fast Forward to 4 p.m. - Tackling those piles of dishes from who knows when.5 p.m. Still tackling the dishes. Between giving Max ample attention and getting the kids drinks, it sure takes a long time to get the work done.

5:30 p.m. Vacuuming the entire kitchen because it was completely gooby and I couldn't stand it a moment longer.

6 p.m. Staring, staring, staring into the pantry wondering what to make for dinner (didn't quite have a plan for that today).

6:15 p.m. Sitting down to a lovely pink waffle dinner with peanut butter and syrup.

7:00 p.m. Read the end of Pollyanna to Miss Hannah. What a GLAD time!

8:45 p.m. Blogging my Monday.

9:00 p.m. Head to bed to get the very needed beauty sleep.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have a tv free day for the kids and we're going to have a better schedule and hopefully get some serious chores done. We'll see how that goes. The kids have had a doozy of a time getting on each other's nerves. I'm hoping time spent working with mom might solve that problem. We can always hope!


Jolene said...

Your kids (except Max) sleep in until 9? I am so jealous. My girls have been waking up at 6:30. And this is after getting up once or twice with Beckham.
I need to do a no TV day too.

Alison said...

How fun to see Steph! I didn't know she was visiting. I'm so glad you got to enjoy a day at the park in the sunshine with dear friends. Wish I could have come too!

And pink waffles sound fabulous for dinner!

Alison said...

P.S. I absolutely LOVE your hair!!! It's darling!

Amy D. said...

So how come your dish pile is so CUTE?! I love your new hairdo, too! And you finally reminded me of what I've been missing all these years--beauty sleep ;)