Friday, April 18, 2008

Janers... Boo... Lou... Lizzy

This is kindof old news, but did y'all know Janey is getting married. She met Seth in D.C. & they are going to be wed in the Bountiful temple on July 12. I thought I'd pay tribute to my littlest sis at this time.

This would be on my 14th birthday. Jane's b-day is 4 days after mine so for some reason she is in most of my birthday photos. In this photo the chair she sat on mashed into my foot. Too funny! (I'm so kickin' myself for cutting photos into hearts in my scrapbook. What was I thinking? Nice bangs Heath!!)
Growing up in small town Idaho we had oodles of time on our hands so we often did goofy stuff like this. We saw a photo of Grandma Beck doing this when she was younger and we thought it hilarious.Look, she's all grown up. How lovely she is!! Congratulations Janers & Sethy!


Alison said...

I love your face in the first picture with your smashed toe. That is too funny! And Jane is so beautiful. I'm so happy they're getting married!

Marne said...

Oh how funny! Jane is beautiful...I am so happy for her!

Amy D. said...

Yea for Janey! Great photos.

Anonymous said...

It's so weird to think that she will be getting married, I still remember her as she looked in the first picture. She is so beautiful, tell her congrats for me (if she remembers who I am). We were married in the Bountiful Temple also, it's so pretty!

Reeses Pieces said...

I love that top picture of you. I didn't even recognize you. Is this your last sibling to get married? She's very pretty. I was just kicking myself yesterday for the same reason. I wish my Mom would have stopped me, but I think she was just glad I was scrapbooking and it was one less kid she had to do. I will for sure make sure my girl's don't cut into their pics.