Sunday, April 20, 2008

'Focus on the good things' tag

I liked this tag from Kristin. The original tag was '20 reasons you're not perfect'... which could be funny to write and read and all... but I'm with Jenny and Kristin that we're all down on ourselves enough as women, so let's focus on the good things going for us.

10 good things in my life goin' for me. (or something like that!)

1. Love. I have 3 kiddos who love me. My husband loves me and looks past soooo many things. My heart often swells with joy and love for my family. I know my Heavenly Father loves and cares for me.

2. Music. I've played the piano for 20+ years and I love the feeling of practicing for hours and finally learning a song and performing it well. Especially light classical music brightens my life. I love when my kids ask me to sing Primary songs. I don't have the best performing vocals, but I don't think they mind a bit. They like when I sing silly opera-like too.

3. Joy in Hiking. I have hiked Mt. Timpanogos 2 times and I felt so accomplished making it to the top. Ta-da! I had great friends encouraging and helping me along. I'm hopeful that even in my old age of 32, I can hike it again this summer.

4. Temple Marriage. One thing I want my kids to know for certain is that I consider it a life accomplishment that I married a great and worthy fellow in the temple... and that we plan on (and will work towards) staying together as a family for eternity. (This makes me think about what the 'world' considers as great life accomplishments vs accomplishments I consider more eternal and important.)

5. Courage. I guess I consider my-shy-quiet-little-self brave for trying out for Swing Choir. I was completely mortified to sing a solo at a concert and do potipurehs (or whatever those ballet moves are) but I loved playing the piano in the background. I also did Jr. Miss which scared me, but I learned a lot from it even if my high heels did wobble and I completely biffed it during dress rehearsal. It was fun to learn from it all though. And in 1998 I applied to be an Academy for Girls Counselor. It was an awesome summer where I learned to open up and talk a little more and be a spaz a little more. I'm still not thrilled to be the center of attention but I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to try a few new experiences.

6. Parents. I have such good faithful parents who are such good examples to me. They taught me the value of work and following through. They lived the gospel and taught us eternal principles. And they loved me for me. That is nice, isn't it!

7. Education. I loved attending Ricks College. I went to work full-time at BYU and went to night school. After 2 years, I got a paid internship working as a mentor at an Elementary school so I could go to school full-time. I was so pleased with my hard work when I graduated in 1999 with a Bachelors in Family Science. I made it through my entire college experience without taking a math class (they counted my music courses) and I consider that quite an accomplishment in one way or another.

8. Motherhood. My dream job. For me, this is what I want to do. This is my life's work and accomplishment... to do my best in bringing little souls unto Christ. Is this dream job easy? Not even a bit! But there are moments that make all the tired days, weeks, months worth it - - - Abe's strong hugs and wet kisses. Max's toothless smiles. Hannah's adoring looks and words.

9. Joy in the Journey. I have had people in my life who had shown me the JOY that can be found in life - even in hard and discouraging times. I love the inspiring quotes, scriptures, messages I've heard and read that keep me motivated to find joy and gratitude. I've loved all tha amazing women and men and children I've met who have taught me perspective, attitude, faith, hope, courage, and charity. There are so many good people in this world!

10. Testimony. Just recently I have been so awed by the realization that I can't do it all alone. There are too many hard things in this mortal life and I know I need to completely rely on Jesus Christ to carry me through. He is my hope, my calm, my peace, my joy. He helps me have hope in myself that I can make the right choices to lead to eternal life... and He will make up the rest and strengthen me in my weaknesses.

So there are 10 things I feel I have going good in my life. Wanna share? I tag Cheri, Shauna, Alison, Stephanie, Mary (you love tags right?), and anyone else who wants to spend an hour thinking of all the good things going on in your life. Come on... you know you want to share! It's fun!


Amy D. said...

I will be glad for all the same things as you, Heather. Thanks for the eternal perspective check! Now how did you get BYU to count your music classes towards math? That's a good one!

Jolene said...

Very good. Thanks for sharing the positive with us.