Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do you wonder why I keep trying?

Mary had a friend who was the queen of bread. She shared some of her tips.

Carin's Bread Tips

1. Crumbly bread - too much flour or it has risen too long

2. Cracks on both sides - too much flour or underkneaded

3. Cracks on one side - uneven temp from too close pans in oven

4. Flat loaf - oven isn't hot enough or the bread fell and soured when baked because it rose too long

5. Airy crust - caused by gas bubble or the loaf is too dry when baking or it overrose

6. Thick crust or thick side walls - not enough kneading or hadn't risen long enough

7. Uneven top - didn't mold it right

8. Overhang - letting it get too light or the oven wasn't fully preheated

Yesterday's bread was completely unedible because it was way too doughy. So, I tried again today. This is the result. Let's just not talk about it - okay!It's okay - you really can laugh. My feelings won't be hurt about it. It's way too funny that an alien creeped into my bread and made it grow a head. I think today's bread problems fit into #5 & #7. I did bake it a bit too long because I was feeding Max. But the mini loaves turned out good and even tasted yummy too.


Marne said...

Oh Heather, keep trying! I have bread issues too. I didn't even try for years after many fiascos. Thanks for the tips, those are great. My main problem is I will work on that.

luvmy5boyscora said...

I give you a 10 for trying! It still looks so yummy.

Amy D. said...

Well, I mess up on at least two of those "tips" every time! And twice a year or so, I forget the salt and everyone mourns. I LOVE your photo. That is way funny. It actually looks quite tasty. Keep practicing--it's worth it--lots of good toast in the mean time.

Alison said...

Heather you do make me laugh. I love that you keep on trying. You're the best! I think your bread looks yummy, even if an alien creeped into it and made it bubble. I would love a piece right now!

Carol said...

Your sense of humor is so cute. I love the "let's just not talk about it, okay?" comment. So funny. I'm even impressed that you're making your own bread, Heather. You go girl!