13 lbs 11 oz. (just over 50%)
and is 24 1/2 inches tall (75%)
with a nice head circumference at 50%.
In the past few weeks he:
Has found his voice. his coos are so sweet. we love to attempt chit-chatting back and forth.
Attempts to shove his entire fist in his mouth. If it doesn't fit in one way, he turns it and tries another way.
Smiles and laughs so frequently. It's a delight when Max is just so happy that he doesn't know how to express his excitement except with grunts and squeaks. But when he gets a real laugh out with a huge smile, it makes our day. He especially loves when Hannah entertains him with silly songs and dances. In this photo, he (well - really mom) was trying to wake her from a nap.
Tries to focus on objects which are way to close. When we put him in this seat, he always looks up to focus on the polka dots. Don't strain your neck buddy or go cross-eyed!!
Tries to sit up on his own. He still can't hold his head strong for very long but he likes trying.
Occasionally sleeps through the night. We wish it were every night but we'll take what we can get.
Eats about 4 oz of formula and then an hour later about 2 more ounces and then goes down for a nap. When he is finished with his bottle, he has figured out how to spit it out, and then he snuggles his face into our armpit. Good thing we own deodorant!
Still spits up like crazy. Maxwell is solely supporting Tide and Spray-n-wash and is tripling the amount of laundry we have in this household.
Does not like being alone. He loves being close to us and getting attention.
Hasn't quite figured out the joy in toys and can't grasp them well enough but that's something he'll work on soon. The boy has goals!
Gets so wide-eyed occasionally when he is surprised or is happy. His eyes are so sweet and full of light.
We all love Maxwell and are glad he's a happy boy to brighten our lives.
What Abe has to say about Maxwell:
"i think maxwell love me too!!" said with a chuckle
"i am your brother."
"he likes me."
"when Max grows up, I will teach him to play cars." said with glee radiating from his voice and face.
What Hannah has to say about Maxwell:
"I love Maxwell because he loves me."
"He always wants me to be happy. And I always want him to be happy."
What Jimmy has to say about Max:
"I think Max likes our family. He likes his older siblings. He likes attention and playing with mom and dad."
Is he really 3 months old already? Wow time flies by. They grow so fast. I love that you did this post about him, that will be a treasure to have! I wish I would have done things like this for all my kids. I'll have to for sure do it for this next baby. I love the picture of him looking at the dots on his chair! :) You're a great mom, Heath!
Maxwell is getting so big! What a precious little one. I love how you recorded so many facts about him here.
I love reading about baby Maxwell. The time is flying by too fast! He is growing up so great! Thanks for letting us read all the details of his new little life :)
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