Sunday, March 09, 2008

a dear friend

I talked with one of my dearest friends in Tennessee tonight about the news that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer at 29 weeks pregnant and only 34 years old. I bawled my eyes out with her. Sometimes trials seem so unfair, but somehow I know that Heavenly Father watches over us all. Please say a prayer for my friend and her family. I BELIEVE that fasting, faith, and prayers strengthen us to have courage in our trials. "Courage, Cheri; and on, on to the victory!"


Karri said...

I'm so sorry Heather. Will definately remember her in our prayers.

Mary said...

What sad news. Good luck Cheri!

Marne said...

Oh my! How sad! I can't even begin to imagine...

Reeses Pieces said...

What a sweet comment. We too will be praying for Cheri and her dear family. I'm glad you got my email and had the chance to talk with her.

Jan said...

This is so sad. I don't even know her and it makes me want to cry. Your right faith, fasting, prayers does strengthen us to have courage in our trials. When I you hear of things like this it makes me want to make the most of each day with my family.

Cheri said...

I love you, Heather! And yes, I need help making my blog look cool like yours.

Amy D. said...

Our love and prayers will be with Cheri, too.