Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Family Activity

On Saturday we enjoyed a fun family activity with Aunt Julie. We went to the BYU Men's volleyball match against Stanford.

We got there extra early so the kids could run, run, run all their energy out on the indoor track (and to get preferred seats). Abe loved running around and around and around and around. I wish we lived closer & I would take him there every day to get all that cooped up energy out.Abe said his favorite part was seeing the cougar & watching the game. Aunt Julie took the kids to meet Cosmo and they loved it. Hannah's favorite part was eating the yummy Pink Lemonade Frozen slush, watching the game, watching Cosmo dance, and cheering for the red team (What about the cougars Hannah?) They were handing out 'byu rocks' signs to hold up and Hannah said, "it's not byu rocks... it's byu cougars". Too funny of a comment!Maxwell seemed to be enthralled by everything - the bright lights - the fun music - all the noise & people. My favorite part was having time away from home to enjoy some sports. Those BYU boys sure can hop. I loved watching the warm-ups doing hits. They are pretty awesome at quick sets. Unfortunately BYU lost the 2 games we watched. It was a totally great family activity though - especially since it only cost $10.
Afterwards we went to Krispy Kreme. We had a coupon for buy one dozen/get one free. We wanted Julie to take a dozen so we wouldn't all get too chubby. The kids didn't even enjoy the sprinkle donuts but they loved the king and queen donut hats. It may take me 2 years to work off the pounds from eating some of those delicious donuts. Oh - but I love fresh and hot glazed... and raspberry filled... and old fashioned sour cream. Yum!


Marne said...

What a fun time for your family!

Amy D. said...

That looks like so much fun! Your kids in Krispy Kreme hats are so cute!

Alison said...

It's been WAY too long since I've had krispe kreme! My mouth is really watering right now!!!

And what a fun family activity. Glad you got to go enjoy time together! What a cute, sweet family you are.