Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post Valentine's Info

I was tagged to share some lovely thoughts about Jimmy and I for Valentine's Day. It's fun to think about our young and new love.

How long have you been together? We met in April 2000 at the drinking fountain at work in Provo. I suppose we've been together ever since.

How long did you date? We had a totally fun summer of dating, got engaged in October 2000 and married in December 2000.

How old is he? Jimmy is 31. I'm 32 but only 9 months older than he. But on our first date he asked if I dated younger men. I was like 'huh - why in the world are you asking me this?'

Who eats more? Well - it depends on what it is. I eat more sweets. Jimmy eats more meat. Neither of us are big eaters... I think we're too picky.

Who said "I love you" first? Jimmy did. I dropped him off at his apartment and then went to mine. A few minutes later, he came rushing over on his bike and all out of breath told me he loved me. How cute is that! After that we went to a softball game of his and he hit a homerun... only I missed it because I was getting a blanket out of the car for someone else to sit on. Sorry hon!

Who is taller? Jimmy is 6' 1". I am 5' 6". But Jimmy thought I was tall when we were dating. I've never thought of myself as tall.

Who sings better? I know how to read music better than Jimmy. But he does a great job singing jubilantly. I love singing songs as a family - especially the ones we know in Spanish.

Who is smarter? Well, Jimmy is definitely smarter at math, analytical skills, and map reading. I am more educated in music and scrapbooking.

Who does the laundry? Jimmy reminds me to do a batch once he's run out of underwear. I struggle to pile the mountains into the washer. He folds while watching tv. Someday I'll be on top of it all.

Who does the dishes? Lately - me - I think I'm a control freak about dishes in this house because I don't like the dishwasher. But Jimmy has always helped immensely with dishes.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Your right or my right. Jimmy is the one who sleeps - I lay awake half the night worrying about life or thinking of a million things to do.

Who pays the bills? Jimmy earns the money and I submit the bills to be paid online. I just discovered online bill pay with our new bank. It's my newest online best friend.

Who mows the lawn? Jimmy does. I attempted but peetered out quickly.

Who cooks dinner? Jimmy makes a mean lasagna. Really we both do though I'm trying to have dinners ready when he gets home from work. Wish me luck!

Who is more stubborn? Stubborn - I'm not stubborn one bit. I think we're both stubborn - just about different things and in different ways.

Who kissed who first? I'm thinking Jimmy made the first move. Jimmy said, "well, I was trying to kiss you for a long time. Does that count?"

Who asked who out? Jimmy asked me out. Our first 3 dates were sports related. I knew I would spend the rest of my life watching basketball... and I was okay with that.

Who proposed? Jimmy did. He set up a picnic table across from the Mt. Timp temple earlier that day and then we went for a drive and ended up there. He had written a really sweet letter and then he proposed with the ring. It was sweet!

Who is more sensitive? I'm much more visibly emotional/teary. But I think Jimmy has an inner sensitive side though it isn't expressed by tears.

Who has more friends? Jimmy definitely has more guy friends. And I have more girly friends than he does. We don't really hang out much with friends as we just spend more time as a family.

Who has more siblings? Jimmy has 11 siblings. I have 6 siblings. He has 8 brothers and 3 sisters. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Did all that add up?


As for Valentine's day. Jimmy came home with lilies, strawberries, and dove dark chocolates. When we lived in Arizona, we started a tradition of having strawberries dipped in chocolate every so often. Dove dark chocolates melted for a bit in the microwave are the preferred dipping chocolate.
We've discovered that though lilies are lovely, they are a little bit stinky for a small indoor space. Thanks for the love though Jimmy!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I love this post Heather. I love you and Jimmy together, you are a perfect couple, perfect in every way!