Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Peter, the INSPIRATION guru

I am always in need of regarding decluttering my house. I become emotionally attached to "SCHTUFF". I'm a little sentimental about items that invoke memories. I need not detail all the teeny-tiny gobbly-goo items that I think someday I might need or someday I might miss (like crafts i might finish from my teenager years - huh? let them go heather - let them go!!!). I wish, I wish, I wish that it were a natural and easy thing for me to throw out, give away, and dejunkify every bin, box, closet, cupboard, nook and cranny in my house. sigh... A goal worth pursuing is a change of character in this regard.

I came across this new magazine that looks like a bit of ORGANIZED inspiration. This article about Peter Walsh caught my eye,
"You are not your stuff"
I'm interested in the inspiration he shares to:
First: Get a vision of the life you want.
Second: De-clutter by taking a good hard look at what you own.
Third: Organize what’s left over in an efficient way.

I wish this bookIt's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff could do all the work for me. (his newest book talks about people who cut clutter out of their life have more motivation and energy and they end up losing weight - cool, huh!) But it might just provide enough focus, inspiration, and ideas to get me started on my fresh life without 15-year-old mop doll craft projects that Hannah might want to create some day, partially finished afghan squares from college days, and old dusty magazines. Hmmm... LET IT GO, GO, GO, GO!


Amy D. said...

I too need to learn to get rid of the schtuff! Thanks for the great ideas, Heath!

Marne said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Alison said...

Is Peter Walsh the dude that organizes for people on Oprah? He is fabulous! I've been in the organization mode the last few weeks too. There is always so much to do, so little time and energy! Good luck!

P.S. It was fun remembering the mop dolls! :)