On the 13th day of February, the snow began falling in the early afternoon and the wife and kids were snuggled up at home. The husband soon arrived in a flurry of snow but was unable to get the garage door open and the car up the driveway. On his drive home, he saw many cars off the road and a transformer blow and then flame with fire. There were about 30 accidents in our area and a few road closures. What a wild time!

About 5 p.m. all electricity was lost and the family prepared for a long night without heat, lights, and power. The kids thought our crazy night was an adventure (though they had a look of fright in their eyes too). For supper we had a wonderful assortment of cold cereal which made mom realize we had way too many goofy options. What ever did the pioneers do without power and without cold cereal?

Upon putting the kids down for bed about 6:30 p.m., Jimmy, Maxwell, and I fiddled for the next few hours with this entertainment (well - Max didn't eat doritos or hot chocolate but we did snuggle with him).

We piled on the blankets and finally went to bed about 9:30. A knock on the door came a little while later and we wondered who in the world was out in the blizzard coming to our house. Lo-and-behold it was the hometeacher who wanted to check up on us to see if we were alright without heat. What a nice fellow! He said it took him 5 hours (yes - FIVE!!) to get from SLC to Lehi in the white-out.
About midnight our electricity was back (THANK YOU Electric company for sending out the boys to get our heat back). It took Jimmy a few cold hours to shovel his wee-little-car out of the driveway this morning. We feel like we live in the boonies of Utah. Imagine if we really lived in the boonies in Idaho and were snowed in for weeks (like our sweet lil' Ali and fam).

Last night we were extra grateful to have a semi-sturdy house to keep us safe from the wild winds and cold snow. I can't imagine the poor pioneers who crossed the plains in the blizzards of winter. How blessed we are!
Nice combination of gratitude, snow and fun family stuff! We are so glad you are all ok!
What an experience!
That was crazy, no? You had it tons worse than us... Hey, next week would you like to get out? Let's do something with the kids!
Love the new background! I can't believe how bad you guys got it! Glad Jimmy made it home safe and that you had plenty of cold cereal on hand. We sometimes have that for dinner when we have power!
It's so hard to be without power! I can't imagine going 5 hours! How did the pioneers ever do what they did? It makes you so grateful for our modern conveniences when you have to live without them for awhile! Glad it came back on so you could be warm during the night. What an adventure!
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