Quoting George Macdonald (who greatly influenced C.S. Lewis) he shared this thought, "Is our life then a witness to the truth?" He also reminded us to "resist the tendency to become secularized... to remember the spiritual... to remember to be humble... to put things in the context of the ETERNAL." Especially if you think about in a job interacting with others in the workplace who may tend to be arrogant, selfish, or caught up in climbing the corporate ladder, I think his 'be humble' counsel is wise.
Elder Holland also talked about the scripture parable of the talents. He compared talents to our calling or our position (job at the church). He emphasized that there is no little calling or position (job) in the church. If we shirk our calling, we will lose the blessings that come from doing our best with what we are given. It wasn't really a new idea, I suppose, but a good reminder that even if we feel like a peon, we need to remember that all the small things we do make a big difference.
Which leads to his next scripture story about Haman and Elisha. He taught about the 'little people' (the young servant girl and humble man servant) who had faith and encouraged Haman to believe and go and do what the prophet had said so he would be cleansed from leprosy. "The simple, humble, pure believing make all the difference."
So overall, it was a fun event and great to have a date with Jimmy.
1 comment:
What fun to be by your parents again! Great memories will be made with them and your kiddos.
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