Thursday, February 07, 2008

The end of the Road... for now

I don't dive into politics much and anyone who has a political discussion with me knows I have no knack for political lingo. But my husband and FoxNews keep me updated on the latest political happenings in America. Jimmy has a Political Analytical Insights blog where he outlines the candidates stance and record.

After hoping that Mitt Romney might receive the Republican Nomination, I was disappointed after Super Tuesday to hear that he didn't stand much of a chance. Even though he has dropped out of the race, I still admire many of the positions he stands for - especially the focus on strengthening the families of America. I'm not a wiz at economics or national security, but I do know that we as Americans need to elect upstanding individuals to lead our country. I'm hoping to see Mitt in 4 more years.

I like this quote from Mitt Romney. "I believe the strength of America lies in the strength of her people. I am running for President because I want to help keep America strong. That means a strong military, strong economy, and strong families. We are facing many challenges, but America has always overcome these challenges in the past, and I am confident that we can do so again.”


Amy D. said...

Perfectly said, Heath. Awesome quote at the favorite, too.

Reeses Pieces said...

I agree. I would love to see him come back in 4 yrs.

Alison said...

I with you Heath! I hope he comes back and is our President in 2012. What a great thing that would be for our country.