Monday, February 25, 2008

Cool, huh

Well - this afternoon we reached two milestones in our family. Hannah learned how to snap(when I told her Lexi and Porter could snap, she started practicing, practicing, practicing).

And Abe learned how to chew gum. He's only had it one other time and he didn't like it and just spit it out. And today he chewed it for about 15 minutes before he swallowed it. Oops!

The other day Abe asked me, "what does cool huh mean?" I always say, "cool, huh!" or "cool beans" to stuff the kids are telling me.

Oh - and Uncle John who is on a mission in Canada requested some Kool-aid packets since we were going to send a package. When I told the kids he wanted kool-aid, Abe said, "Oohhhh, I want some kool-aid." and then Hannah said, 'Does He want kool-aid so that in the summer he can sell kool-aid?' Kids think and say the funniest things.


Alison said...

Congrats on the snapping! I love seeing their concentration while they try, try, try!

And what cute moments to record. Love the things kids say!

(Porter always swallows his gum too! Or smears it somewhere, I try to keep gum away from him!)

Amy D. said...

Owen loves to make the clear kool-aid and serve it to the big kids as water to surprise them. Ooooo! That's nice of you to send stuff to missionaries. Wade couldn't buy peanut butter in Spain on his mission, so his mom sent lots of big containers of it for his pb&j sandwiches.