Tuesday, January 22, 2008

thankful for BIG imaginations

Today I am thankful for my kids BIG imaginations. For the past few weeks, Hannah was initiated some pretty fun activities to keep Abe and herself entertained.Today they were Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Hannah helps Abe come up with his dress-ups and somehow it always involves him wearing his swimsuit. So Mickey and Minnie packed a lunch, went to school, had coloring time, played Connect 4 at recess, had a picnic and then after a few hours of play ... it was time to clean up. I love that they keep each other entertained but somehow the entire upstairs ends up downstairs. I'm not sure why Mickey and Minnie need sleeping bags, pillows, stuffed animals, books, slippers, pajamas at their picnic. So... we spent an hour tidying the living room and our little mice got some exercise hauling everything back upstairs. What a productive day for Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

p.s. After I posted this Jimmy told me that Hannah kept telling him how boring her day was. ha-ha! My guess is that all she remembers is the cleaning up part. Good thing I took pictures as proof that she did indeed have a semi-fun day.


Marne said...

Fun! I love watching the kids and seeing what they come up with. Too cute!

Alison said...

So cute Heath! My kids love to haul everything out and take it to a totally different location too. I cringe when I know that's what they're doing because I know of the clean-up ahead, but it sure keeps them busy for awhile and it's nice to enjoy the peace until they're done. What cute kids! That's nice they're such great playmates!

Amy D. said...

Wow, they are so cute! Funny that Hannah thinks any day of hers could be boring, because she always has such fun ideas.