Friday, January 18, 2008

I promise...

that I'm not going to post every single scrapbook page that I create - especially of Maxwell. But I thought it would be fun to show the fun with templates. Stephanie posted a cute scrapbook page using this same template. This is the beauty of templates - you can have so many different looks even with using the same template. Wah-la! how easy is that!(Credits: Template by Kellie Mize & Papers by Carrie Stephens)
We were thrilled that Max's umbilical cord FINALLY came off after 4 weeks. The kids were so excited to see that he really did have a normal belly button just like them. Isn't a clean smelling baby about the yummiest thing?!


Alison said...

Wow! You and Steph are so good! I've got to get Photoshop ordered so I can join in on all the fun! Very cute page. And I would love if you posted every single one you make. You should do what Karri does and have a blog for all your pages or something so we can check all of them out. You're so inspiring!

Angie said...

I love the photo of Maxwell in the sink! That is just too classic! I forget how tiny babies are. Oh - so cute!