Sunday, January 20, 2008

Great Finds

Just wanted to share a few infant items that I'm so glad we had for our move with our new baby.

I have loved having this for the carseat for Maxwell. When we go outside we just flip the top over his head and then once in the car or inside we fold it down (we don't want to smother the poor baby). I feel like he can stay cozy and warm and we don't have to worry about the blanket blowing off of him. I got this at Babys"R"Us.

I never thought I'd ever want to wear a sling. But I found one at Target on clearance for $9.99 and I thought it might come in handy at the airport during our move. I have loved it because I didn't have to carry Max with my arms, he was snuggled close so he would fall right asleep, and most importantly I felt like he was protected from all the germs flying around in the air. I put a blanket over him so he was snug as a bug. I've used it when we've had to go out and about running errands here in Utah too. I do think people look at me and wonder what in the world I'm wearing but oh well! I'm so glad I found that bargain. Here's another company "Gorgeous Baby" that has some cute ones.

Does anyone have this Bumbo seat with Tray and how do you like it?

My friend Angela recommended these Nuby Medicine Bottles that she got at Walmart. What a clever idea!

Let me know if you have any other awesome baby items that you've loved.


Reeses Pieces said...

I was totally like you never wanting a sling. Now when I see Mom's with them on though, I think
"Gosh, they probably get so much more done." Maybe next time.

luvmy5boyscora said...

Heather, I am totally catching up on your blog, but I do want to say that I have a bumbo and love it. The little babies can start sitting in it and it really holds them in good until they start figuring out how to squirm around and get out at like 10 or 11 months or so. I love using it because you can take it around the house so easily. My 2 1/2 year old also uses it at the dinner table. We sit it on his chair to eat his meals in it and it has worked great. He has been using it since the baby took over the high chair 6 months ago. Sorry so long!