Monday, January 21, 2008

First time Sledding!

We finally acquired some semi-suitable snow gear so the kids could play outside. Why Walmart and Target no longer have boots in stock (but they do have swimsuits and flipflops) is baffling me. With our inches and inches of fresh snow this morning, Jimmy took the kids out to sled. It was the usual fiasco of getting ready for 30 minutes only to have Abe last about 5 minutes in the frigid weather. Hannah loved the adventure and threw herself into a snowbank with glee to make her very first snow angel. She loved sledding down the slope too. After trudging back home from the field next door, Hannah and Abe enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate.


Carol said...

That's so cute that Hannah loved the snow. Darling pictures, Heath. And, yes, wouldn't it be nice if stores stocked winter gear during the winter? Goofy system! Thanks for posting such cute pictures. Made me totally smile!

Reeses Pieces said...

How fun. That makes me a little homesick. Hey we might actually get snow here today though. But you know these TN weathermen, they don't even know what they're talking about half of the time. Happy Snow days to you!

Marne said...

You know, my kids have never been sledding. We were going to take them in Sugar City this weekend as it was a winter wonderland, but it was also -2 degrees, so we didn't. Looks like you had fun!

Jan said...

It looks like you are all adjusting well to your move. We actually got some snow here in Atlanta, we've never had so much snow. They had to cancel church because of it, weird huh? How is living in Utah? Sometimes I'm not sure if I am up for all the Utah Mormons, but it would be nice to be closer to family.

Julie said...

Heather- Your family is so adorable. I finally got the chance to read all of your blogs. It is so fun to read about everything you are up to. Enjoy not having to do all the regular things. I finally got that down with my fourth baby. It is amazing how all of the things we worry about don't matter, except to ourselves, anyway. Bummer on the commute difference. Just a plug for my neighborhood again- It is only 30 min from here to the Church headquarters and tracks will be up and running this year- That will make it 20 max!! Come on. You can see family on the weekends but have time with the daddy everyday. :) I know - You have to do what you really want but I would just love to have you here. I understand the wanting to be a little secluded from the neighbors. I am the same way. Good luck in the adventures.

Karri said...

Your kids look like they're thoroughly enjoying the snow and change of weather. So cute!

Mary said...

How fun!! We've got to get some sleds! You got some good snow gear. Better than Kait's high-water snow pants. Her socks are always filled with snow. Poor girl. Cute, cute, cute kids!

{B}dreamy said...

I just wanted to pop by and say "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!" And darling scrap pages you've got there, too. I'm jealous of all that immense talent you've got going on. I am not, however, jealous of the snow! *B

Megan said...

It looks like you guys are having a blast. That snow looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for all the tips you emailed to me. They have really helped me.

Alison said...

I can't believe the 2 extremes of weather you've lived in this winter! I love Hannah's snow angel. Darling pictures! Kyler tried to wear flip flops last night in below zero weather. Shows we've been in this climate a little too long - they're getting a little too comfortable! I'm glad you had a fun snow adventure!

Amy D. said...

Wow, the snow looks so great! Fluffy, white and cold. Just right! That looks so fun!