Friday, December 21, 2007

Welcome to earth Maxwell James Smith. He arrived about 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning via C-section. Everything went smoothly with the delivery. He was a little bigger than we thought he'd be weighing in at 8 lbs 5.4 oz. He was 20 inches which is shorter than our other babies. But he definitely wins on having the most hair and the darkest hair of all our kids. He also has really long skinny fingers and toes.Maxwell was on antibiotics because he initially had a high white blood cell count and they just wanted to make sure he didn't have an infection. They kept trying to put his I.V. in his hand (see first photo) and it came out during the night. So they eventually put it in his foot. Poor kiddo!

Hannah and Abe have been the MOST attentive sister and brother. Abe always wants to hold baby 'Mackwell'. He likes combing his hair and 'petting' his head. Hannah loves feeding Maxwell and she helps hold his pacifier for him. She does not like when he cries and holds her hands over her ears. I can't imagine that Maxwell will ever lack love as long as his siblings are around.

We came home from the hospital on Thursday night. I'm not sure if Jimmy was glad or not after having spent all night up with our baby. When we were in the hospital, we had such wonderful nurses to care for us. Amber said Maxwell was the best baby in the nursery and she took such good care of him. And I had some great nurses who gave me oodles of pain and other medication. It sure is a humbling experience to be in the hospital. Walking at the pace of a snail and struggling to get in and out of bed makes you realize how good you have it on a normal day. I am actually recovering pretty well though I need to rest more than I am.

Anyhoo... we are so glad Maxwell is here as a part of our family. I think all the angels above kissed his eyelids and sent lots of love to us here on earth. He is such a sweet and snuggly little baby. Here are some more pictures that Jimmy posted.


shauna said...

He is so sweet. What a beautiful family. Congratulations!

Janey said...

It's a BABY!!! Oh I wish i could be there to see you and help and snuggle cute little Maxwell. I love that name, i'm sad to not get to use it, but i'm sure we could just take some of your other name options, that should be fine (you know, after i get married and have babies of course). Can we call him "Max" or is it just Maxwell???

Love you!

Megan said...

Heather How can you look so good after just having a baby? I am so happy for you. He is a lucky little boy and a beautiful one as well.

P.S. Congrats on your house sale!

Lexie said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! I love the name so much. I wish you a speedy recovery from your C-section.

Carol said...

How precious! Thanks, Heather, for showing us pictures. Maxwell seems so sweet. Your kids sound so cute with him. We're so happy for you that everything went well and you're back home. Take good care!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Heather and Jimmy!
Babies are just so sweet and it looks like you have a keeper. We enjoyed the pictures and update.
Heard that you sold your house! Wonderful! We look forward to seeing you here in Lehi.
Love, Kimberly and Matthew Hanna

Andrea said...

Hurray! What a wonderful name. I loved the photo with Hannah and Abe. What a sweet family you have. Congratulations and good luck on the rest of your adventure. Hope you can get some naps in. :) I have been trying really hard this time around to squeeze in the naps, but I still have bags under my eyes!

Amy D. said...

What a perfect, special little one! Your kids sound like they are being such good siblings and loving the baby. Keep resting! We love you.

Anonymous said...

COGRATS! I am glad he is here safe & Healthy. He is so cute & lots of hair. How fun! My kids did the same when our baby would cry they would hold their ears, my 3 yr old still does that when his brother cries. You will have lots of great help, good luck with everything and try to get some rest.

Sally said...

Congratulations on both the house and the healthy baby! What a week you have had. Maxwell is darling. So happy that he is here and healthy. Hope your recovery goes well.

Jolene said...

What a cutie. And I love his name. Glad to hear everything went well.

Alison said...

Heather! Congratulations! I love the pictures of your sweet baby and family. So cute that Hannah and Abe love him so much. I'm glad you picked the name Maxwell - I love it! He is darling! He fits in perfect with your family. Best of luck with the recovery. Hope all goes well with your next couple weeks and all you have going on! Lots of love! Ali

Jan said...

Congratulations Heather! What a sweet baby. I'm glad you are both doing well. I love Maxwell's name. So cute.

Reeses Pieces said...

He's adorable and so little. I guess I just forgot how tiny they really are. Congrats on your little one and selling the house too.

Julie said...

Heather and Family, Congratulations!! You have the cutest family. I wish I could snuggle up with that little one for a few hours. Hope you are recovering well. Merry Christmas! Love you, Julie

Marne said...

Congrats Heather! What sweet pictures. You look great, and baby Maxwell is so adorable already. Good luck with your move soon!

Jeanna said...

He's adorable! Wish you the best recovery. So nice to have a new baby this time of year. Good luck getting ready to move. Hope to see you soon.