Thursday, December 13, 2007

Singing and dates

Today the kids practiced for their preschool Christmas program. Their teacher said I could come since I'll miss the real performance. It was so funny to watch Abe do all the actions and try to remember the words. And it was the first time I've seen him act proud to have me watch him in public so he was trying extra hard to participate. The little boy next to him didn't do a thing and the little girl on the other side has the most awesome piggy tails ever. She's a cutie! You can see Abe's pants were attacked by an orange marker. Even though his teacher had a busy day, that boy knows better than to clobber his pants. Last night I made him scrub it out with Shout.

Hannah was a jolly singer and kept remembering to smile and sing loudly. Half of the kids in her class were picking their noses. Now I know where Hannah picked up that habit. Yuck! The boy next to Hannah had an unfortunate crash with Abe on the playground which resulted in Abe receiving a gigantic goose egg bump on his forehead. Doesn't that little boy look thrilled to be singing?

Last of all, Jimmy took Hannah on a daddy-daughter date tonight. I've felt bad that the family stresses are taking it's tole on Miss Hannah. I can tell I've been more irritable with her and she has been having a hard time being sweet. So, it was a good thing for Jimmy to have one-on-one time with her. She changed her entire outfit for the date to Sonic to get icecream. They also exchanged our bag of coins for $46. Wow - what a deal! Abe had to get his picture taken with dad too so he wouldn't be left out. He and I wrapped some Christmas presents. He did a smashingly great job with the tape. I really do think one-on-one time with kids is a good thing!

Happy First day of Christmas!


Reeses Pieces said...

I love one on one time. My parents didn't do it often, but I do remember every single time to this day. I'm gettting antsy for you and your delivery. Hang in there and best of luck over the weekend.

Mary said...

Your kids are so cute!!! I absolutely LOVE that you made Abe scrub his own pants. I'm so going to do that next time! Glad you got to see their Christmas program. Holy moly, your baby is coming SO SOON!! And, I completely agree that one on one time is such a good thing that I don't get nearly enough of. Good reminder! Love you like crazy Heather!!!

abby's photo shoppe said...

That is soooo good that you made Abe scrub his own pants. Too few children are held responsible these days for their actions. On another note I am excited for you this week and will pray for you and your little one. Good luck!!1

Angie said...

What a fun thing for Jimmy to do with Hannah. I bet she had a blast.

Alison said...

One on one time with kids is such a great thing - something I definitely need to do more of. Thanks for the reminder. And such cute pictures of your kids. It's fun to see the kids they go to school with isn't it? Good luck on Tuesday!!!

Amy D. said...

Yea for one on one time with the kids...we really need to schedule that in more!