Friday, December 21, 2007

The Miracle

Tuesday morning (when in the recovery room) we found out that our counter-offer was accepted for the sale of our home. It looks like everything is working out nicely for a January 4th close date. We feel so very blessed to sell our home so quickly - it definitely was a miracle. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!... and for this we are grateful. Besides having a baby and selling our house all on the same day, the other thing that made my heart swell with joy was hearing that mom and dad sold their house in Nauvoo too.


shauna said...

Fabulous news! I am so happy for you!

Carol said...

Congrats, Heath!! That is great news!! Everything happening at once and so fast. Good luck with the move.

Amy D. said...

Sa-weet! Blessings for you all :)

Steph and Eric said...

A big Wahoo from all of us up North!! What a huge relief. Can you imagine showing your house with a new baby? I am so glad that you just get to focus on your little one(S) and enjoy the Christmas season without the extra distraction!!

Alison said...

What a cute house! I love it. I'm so happy for your miracle! I knew you would get one. Best of luck with the move! Merry Christmas!

Marne said...
