Saturday, December 15, 2007

Last days

Yesterday was:
- Abe's last day at Speech with Miss Johnson. She has been a tremendous teacher for him. He will miss her.

- Hannah's last day to play with Abbey. Aren't they such cute friends?

- Last free day before Baby #3 arrives so we went to see Santa at the mall. He and Mrs. Claus were so darling. Hannah was too shy to even look at him let alone tell him anything she wanted. Santa figured she loved princesses. Abe sat right down and told Santa he wanted Ratatoille. Of course we didn't pay to have pictures with Santa and of course they won't let you take your own. So we'll just have to remember how cute Santa and his wifey were.

- Hopefully the last time we have to show our house (we can be hopeful that one of these folks will buy it - right!). We showed our house Friday afternoon and this morning.

And today I am especially grateful for good friends who helped us out this week. We had a few families just take the kids away which was really helpful yesterday so we could tidy a bit more to show our house. I may not ever be able to pay them back so I might have to pay it forward and serve someone else in Utah. THANK YOU friends!


Reeses Pieces said...

I love those big ornaments at the mall. I think that picture is so cute!

Amy D. said...

Oh, it's so hard to start having your "lasts" before you move. We thank all the good people there, too, for helping and teaching our loved ones :).