Monday, December 03, 2007

Just what I needed

I saw this quote as wall words on Stacy Julian's blog (she has some cute Christmas ideas too). I knew it was the thought I needed as the theme for my week/month/life. There are times of sorrow, and reasons to worry, but in the end FAITH is the best option. Isn't that quote a great reminder to DOUBT NOT BUT BE BELIEVING! I love inspiring words, quotes, and phrases. I used to keep a list of words that made my heart happy... you know the kind of words ... like arise, believe, light, joy, hope, courage, onward, love, peace, quiet, shine, etc. When I read those words in the scriptures or hear them in talks, my heart is strengthened and I realize how many good things there are to rejoice about.


Carol said...

Good thought, Heath. It's easy to get down or worried, right? Good reminder. Thanks.

Karri said...

Great quote Heather. Good luck with all your upcoming events. Has your house sold yet?

Marne said...

I love Stacy Julian. I would love to meet her someday. Have you read her book Big Picture Scrapbooking? It is amazing. Anyway, great quote! I think I need to be reminded of that on an hourly basis sometimes.

Alison said...

Great quote! And thanks for the link to her blog - it was fun to look at. So many great ideas!

shauna said...

Good thoughts today Heather! I love the kazoo pictures and Stacy's blog is phenomenal. Do you know her? Thanks for inspiring me every day :)

Amy D. said...

This is a great reminder. Gotta have faith!