Monday, December 17, 2007

Almost there

Here I am at 1 minute to midnight rushing to finish my bowl of Chex since I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight. Yes, I should be in bed... but who can fall asleep with so much on her mind? Biting nails... biting nails. So here's the quick recap of the today.

We had a family day (with Jimmy's mom) and went to the big mall and the kids rode the carousel. Of course Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was their favorite animal but he was already taken. The kids played at the play area and then we went window shopping at the Disney Store. Hannah was in la-la land with all the princess and fairy stuff there. Abe loves the Cars and Toy Story area. Then we drove to the temple to see it one last time before we leave. We next headed to the airport in hopes that we might find Jimmy's mom's luggage. It's amazing how horrible phone customer service can be - especially when you're talking to someone in India about luggage lost in Chicago. Go figure! But hurray - in the end they found her 2 bags.

When we came home we pulled out all the baby stuff - the car seat, the swing, the pack-n-play. The kids thought it was so fun to pretend with their stuffed animals and care for them as a baby. I let Hannah pretend with the sling I bought so then Abe wanted one. In the end, Hannah was more thrilled with a dishtowel than the real one. We diapered up Chocolate and Vanilla Bear and the kids walked around with them for a while. It was pretty funny - especially to see Abe.

Then Abe helped us wash the baby swing and he did a super job. He was sopping wet by the end, but he is a great little scrubber. Just don't give the boy a hose to rinse things off... the entire family might just end up wet.

So - today was a fun day. For FHE, Jimmy gave me a blessing and the kids opened their 1st wrapped Nativity pieces (yep - I got behind on the 12 days of Christmas with that). Also - tonight we got an offer on our house. Yippee! (and it wasn't even ridiculously low like the 1st one we got) We countered and are in great hopes and anticipation that they will accept (we'll find out by Wednesday evening). What a miracle if it all goes through!!

Abe won the funny kid saying for the day when he asked if I put the mail in the fridge. "Nope - it's just cold outside Abe." My poor kids aren't used to having chilly weather. They are in for a treat heading to the mountains of Utah. Which, by the way, we actually will have a forwarding address in January as we decided to rent a house that is near Lehi. What a relief to my mind! So things are hopefully falling into place for our move and we won't have too much mental anxiety about what to do about it all.

For now - we're hoping for a healthy baby boy (still waiting to be named!) tomorrow about 7:30 a.m. Hurray! We'll post all about it when we have a chance.


Mary said...

Oh goodness, I know you've already had your baby and my stomach is still all a-twittering for you just thinking about last night! What a fun last day around Memphis! Good for you Heather! I love that your kids used dish towels as slings. That is hilarious. And letting them use diapers too... those are like gold (and worth as much!). Congrats!

abby's photo shoppe said...

I have been thinking about you all day! Good luck and congrats!

abby's photo shoppe said...

Some cute names I've heard recently:

Marne said...

Good luck Heather. Sounds like things are starting to work out...can't wait to see pictures of your new little one!

Carol said...

Congratulations, Heather!! It sounds like things are falling into place so well. I really hope the offer on your house goes through, and I'm so glad that you found a house to rent in Utah. We'll be so excited to see you!! Take care. Good luck with everything.

Julie said...

I for one can hardly wait to see your pictures of this new baby and of course hear a name. :) Hope all went well. I also want to know about the house offer. Did you sell the house? I still wish I could talk you into living near me.

Amy D. said...

Yeah for posting this before giving birth, Heath! Congratulations on the house! Blessings for you all. Your family does the cutest and most special things. LOVE YOU!