Monday, November 26, 2007

Loquacity can be a good thing

when we're talking about it in relation to Abraham. We've been worried about lil' Abe and his speech. For the past 2 years he just hasn't seemed to want to put forth the effort to say what is in his head and to pronounce things correctly. And I think he's had a hard time processing sentences and words. But in the past few weeks, the boy has become quite loquacious. He makes efforts to speak slowly enough to prounce syllables and he practices his 's', 'th', and 'r'. His speech teacher thinks he has just hit a development stage, but I also think preschool and his speech lessons have helped immensely.

I hear about 30 times a days from Abe, "Excuse me mom." ... "Yes Abe?" and most of the time he is just trying to think of something to say because he just 'wants a word in edgewise' (Anne of Green Gables quote of course). The past 2 days his response has been, "Last year you go to Lowe's." (he's working on yesterday, last year, last night, today, tomorrow, etc).

Abe's loquacity has been an adjustment for Hannah. She is used to having full reign of kid conversation with the parents and now she has to take turns with her brother which sometimes produces 2 frustrated kiddos. But overall, we're excited that Abe has decided that verbal communication is a good thing.


Alison said...

Way to go Abe! I bet that is so nice to be able to understand more what he wants or how he feels. I'm so glad everything is going better with his speech. That's cute about the last year, etc. My kids do that too. The other day Lexi said, "What day is tomorrow?" And I said whatever day it was and then she kept asking, "But when is tomorrow?" She thought that was the name of a day of the week. So many confusing things to figure out!

Mary said...

Yea Abe!! I've noticed a huge improvement in the last few months too, and that is just from overhearing him when we are on the phone. Impressive stuff kiddo!

Reeses Pieces said...

I'm glad to hear he is doing better. I know you were concerned. You're a patient mom. Good job!

Jan said...

Good for Abe! I'm glad he is doing better.

Jan said...

Good for Abe! I'm glad he is doing better.

Jolene said...

Nice going Abe. Keep up the good work (speaking).
Cute picture of Abe, too.

Steph and Eric said...

Hooray for Abe!! We've been calling Hyrum our "girl" because recently he has started talking non-stop. And he's at the validate-me-phase where you have to repeat what he is saying so he knows that you are listening and if you don't get it right then he'll repeat it over and over and over and over and over until you finally get it. phew. isn't language aquisition a blast?